Part 68

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You get off of him and went to the bathroom. Marc gets up and follows you. You look at him but you didn't care so you took off your clothes and went in the shower. Marc took off his clothes and went in too. Y'all took a shower together. After that, you and Marc get out, he changed. You changed in his clothes and grab his hoodie, puts it on. Marc looks up and down at you then smiled.
Marc: damn mamas you look good in my clothes
You smiled back.
Y/n: I know
You walked out of the room and went downstairs. Marc followed you. You saw Huncho and Jr. you were confused that they were here.
Y/n: why are y'all here?
Huncho: we were wondering if y'all wanna hang out today
Y/n: yeah I'm down
Huncho: how about you bro?
Marc: I'm down
Huncho: then let's go
Jr and Huncho leaves the house. Huncho walks to his car then gets in, Jr gets in too. You and Marc followed, walks to his car then gets in. Huncho drives off. Marc put his arm around you and kisses your cheek, you smiled. Jr looks at y'all.
Jr: don't be making out right now !
You laughed and bites Marc's bottom lip.
Jr: hey hey I said don't!
Y/n: c'mon let meee
Jr: that's gross
Y/n: who cares
Jr: I care
Y/n: you ain't my brother!
Jr: but I am your bestfriend
Y/n: true that but c'mon
Jr: nopeee
Y/n: fineee
Jr smiled then looks away. You rolled your eyes. Marc grabs your face and makes you look at him. you look at him and he looks back, kisses you. you kissed back, it was a long passionate kiss until Huncho parked his car so you two had to stopped. Huncho and Jr gets out of the car and walks in. You and Marc gets out too then follows them. You look around and Huncho grabs the skating shoes for us. He gives it to you and takes it. You sit down on a bench and Marc sits down next to you. you take off your shoes then put on the skating shoes, Marc did the same thing. Huncho and Jr puts their shoes in the safe place, you and Marc did the same thing. Huncho and Jr gets in the rink then they skates. Marc was walking to the rink but you didn't followed him cause you were scared to go on the rink. Marc looks at you and walks to you, grabs your hand then kisses it.
Marc: babe don't worry I'll be here with you just hold my hand okay
You nodded and you hold his hand, he holds back. Then, walks to the rink and you followed him. Marc skates slowly for you and you skate, you felt like you were gonna fall and you almost did until Marc caught you. You guys still skating slowly cause you couldn't do it. After so many times, you felt like you got it and you let go of Marc hand then skates. You finally got it and Marc skates to you. He holds your hand and you hold it back. You two smiled and just skating.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now