Part 46

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Sorry for what I did
I didn't mean to do that
I just.. like you...
{Reads 11:45am}

You thought to yourself "I was right.. he does like me but why though? If Marc finds out about this.. he's gonna get mad and beat him up. I'm not gonna let that happen!" You got up and left the room, went downstairs, walked out of the house. You went to the park like usually. Then you saw Mattia and you immediately looked away cause you didn't want to see him but he saw you, he was about to walk over to you until Kairi and Alejandro stopped him. They went to the field to play soccer. You walk to the playground and sits down on the swings. Devyn walks up to you.
Devyn: hey bitch
Y/n: what do you want?
Devyn: i saw you kissed Mattia
Y/n: I didn't
Devyn: then what is this?
She show you a pic of you "kissing" Mattia.
Y/n: I didn't kiss him. He did
Devyn: mhm sure but I'll send it to Marc!
Y/n: you wouldn't !
She send it to him.
Devyn: oops I just did
She walked away while laughing. You got a texted by Marc.

                                 mi amor💍
You kissed Mattia!?
I loved you
This is what you do to me!
Fuck, Devyn was right about you, ur just a fucking cheater and doesn't deserve shit!
I hate you !
Don't call me! And don't even come back to the house
{Reads 12:36pm}

You turned off your location and started to burst in tears then ran off to somewhere far away. Sits down on the ground and kept crying non stop, you felt numb and hopeless cause you lost Marc in your life. It's been a couple hours being in this place. Suddenly, somebody walks in this place and looks at you. You couldn't tell who is it cause you were looking down. When the person sits down next to you.
Alvaro: hey...
You looked up at him and you had puffy eyes.
Alvaro: are u okay?
You nodded no.
Alvaro: tell me what's wrong
You sighed and you told him about everything what just happened between you and Marc. Alvaro hugged you and you hugged back tight, you cried again then he rubs your back.
Alvaro: it's okay. Let me take you home with me
Y/n: oh okay..
Couple minutes past. You and Alvaro got home, he takes you to the room downstairs. You saw the boys and they all looked at you, you look down trying to avoid eye contact. Alvaro points at the bed for you to sleep at. You walked over to the bed and sits down. Later, Mattia walked out of the bathroom and goes to the bed that your sitting at then looks at you, you look back then looks away. He grabs your hand. You cried again and you immediately hugged Mattia, he hugs back. You pulled away and lays down, he lays down too then he puts his arms around you. You didn't care about it cause you were still hurt. He holds you close and whispers "I'm sorry y/n.. I'm real-" you interrupt him with a kiss and he kissed back.
Y/n: sorry but just shut up with your sorry.. I don't want to hear it, good night Mattia
Mattia: good night y/n
You felt asleep and Mattia kissed your head then fell asleep. Alvaro and the boys looked at y'all, said "awww" in a quiet voice. Alejandro took a picture of y'all and post it on his Snapchat.

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