Part 47

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It was morning. You woke up and look through your phone, saw pictures of me and Mattia kissing on tiktokroom and fans tagging me. You got tagged on a video and looked at it. It was Marc and Devyn, he kissed her on the cheek and saying "I love her. Yes I moved on from y/n so stop asking!" He rolled his eyes and Devyn just smiled. You throw your phone and you got up, runs to the bathroom then locks the door and cries. Alvaro woke up from your crying and walks to the bathroom, tries to open it but it was locked.
Alvaro: can you open the door?
Y/n: leave me alone pls!
Alvaro: y/n.. you can't be lik-
Y/n: I said leave me alone!
You cried and Alvaro walks away from the door. Saw your phone on the ground and picks it up, looks at the live video for awhile. walks to Mattia who is finally awake. Mattia looks Alvaro.
Mattia: where is she?
Alvaro: she's in the bathroom
Mattia: why?
Alvaro: she's crying
Mattia: do you know why?
Alvaro shows him the live video and Mattia looks unhappy/mad about it. Alvaro shouldn't be doing this but he looks through your texts of Marc and saw the rude texts that he send you. Alvaro was really mad at this moment and he really wants to punch Marc for me what he have done to her. Mattia looks at him confused. Alvaro shows him the texts that Marc send her and Mattia reads it. Mattia was getting very mad and wanted to punch Marc so bad. You finally came out of the bathroom and walks to them then sits down on the bed. Alvaro and Mattia looks at you then looks at each other. You are confused what's going on but you didn't mind about it too much. Alvaro gives your phone back to you and you take it then puts it down next to me. You didn't feel like texting anybody no more after what happened. You got up and went upstairs then leaves the house. You were just running until you saw Devyn with Marc. You ignore it and still running. Marc was on his phone and Devyn needed to use the bathroom so, you followed her and hide so she won't know that you are here when you saw her, she was talking to somebody. It looked like a boy but you don't know who is it. But she put her around his neck and he put his arms around her waist, she kissed him and he kissed back. You took a picture and a video too, you walked away and you posted it. You texted Marc and showed him the video and picture of Devyn.

                                                     We gotta talk..
I don't want to talk to u
        Y/n: please?

You send him the location to meet up so you can have a talk with him. You went to the place and waits for him. After a couple minutes, he finally came and he walks up to you. Marc looks at you with a unhappy face.
Y/n: I never kissed him back instead he kissed me. Marc you know I love you so much and you know I will never do that to you, you know that don't you?! I don't think so. Anyways, Devyn doesn't like you and never will. She only used you just to get me out of yourself.
Marc: did she really?!
You showed him the video and picture. Marc looks at it and looks sad little bit.
Y/n: she doesn't love you. She did this to hurt me and wanted you to get mad at me for something that I didn't do.
Marc: wow.. I'm so sorry y/n..
Y/n: it's fine and she'll probably do it again like she always does
Marc: I want you back..
Y/n: i don't know about that
Marc: please.. don't go with Mattia don't be like that
Y/n: it's my choice but i don't know who I should with you or Mattia..
Marc: pick me please...
Y/n: I'll tell you soon..
You walked away and went back to Alvaro's house then went downstairs. It was just only Alvaro and Mattia, Kairi in the house. You lay down on the bed and looks through your phone, looking at edits.

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