Part 21

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You guys left the arcade and went to the park but you knew Marcos was following you. You couldn't handle it so you turn around.
Y/n: stop following me!
Marcos: why should I cutie
Y/n: don't call me that! I'm not yours anymore
Marcos: you'll be mine again
Y/n: no I won't dick!
Hazel and Mathew, Marc turn around and saw. Marcos grab your arm then about to kiss you until Marc and Mathew walk up to him then pushed him off of you.
Marcos: who the fuck are y'all
Mathew: I'm her bestfriend
Marc: I'm her boyfriend. You don't touch my girl like that
Marcos: idc.
He show him a video of you "kissing him". Marc looked hurt when he saw that and looks at you.
Marc: is that true?
Y/n: it's definitely not true! You know I deeply in love with you. You know I will never do that to you. He's only doing this just to see you hurt and break up with me. He's the one who kissed me and I didn't kissed back though cause I have somebody special to me and that is my boyfriend
You walked up to Marc and kissed him.
Y/n: I love you.
Marc: I love you too
Then you looked at Marcos.
Y/n: why don't you go to your other hoes ?
Marcos: I don't want the hoes, I want you
Y/n: stop cappin. You don't want me, you just want my body cause of the glowup I have and I ain't gotta take your toxic ass in my life fuck that and fuck your bullshit!
Marcos: alright be like that bitch
Marc heard him and was about to hit him until you stopped him. You grabbed his hand and walks to the swings. You two were swinging and you bring this up.
Y/n: Marc.. I want kids now I know we're young but like do you wanna have kids though?
Marc: ofc. But we just gotta wait a little longer baby
Y/n: yeah I know
You looked at Marc and he looked back. You two were smiling at each other. Until hazel broke the moment.
Hazel: omg guys I'm going on tour!
Y/n: omg fr!
Hazel: yeah and Marc tomorrow we gotta on tour
Marc: alright
You got a called by a unknown number and answered it. The person told you everything and you end it.
Marc: who was that babe?
Y/n: I'm going on tour with y'all!
Hazel: omg yesss! I won't be alone !
Marc: I won't be sad
Y/n: awhh

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now