Part 4

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1 week
You texted Marc and he hasn't reply, you didn't worry about it that much. It was 2 hour and he finally reply.
Marc: I'm sorry I was busy but we can't hang out today cause I had plans with the boys. Sorry baby
Y/n: oh it's fine bebe
He left u on seen. You got dressed up and goes downstairs. "Mom I'm going to the mall! I'll be back" y/n said. "Okay sweetie, be safe" y/n's mom. You went to ur car and drove off. 10 minutes, you finally got to the mall and you walk around but then you spotted Marc with somebody, you thought to urself "he wouldn't cheated on me" you looked away and kept walking.
Marc POV
You saw Y/n. You thought to urself "I hope she didn't see me cause she'll be broken if they thought I was cheating on her but I will never do that to her, she's a special girl in my heart"

Kayla saw u looking at her and she walked up to Y/n.
Kayla: hey!
Y/n: um hey?
Kayla: I saw my man looking at u so, how about u fucking leave the mall
Y/n realizes she was talking about Marc.
Y/n: that boy is actually my man u dumb hoe
Kayla: *slaps you and pulls ur hair* ugly ass bitch
Y/n: *slaps you back*
Kayla: *hits u*
Y/n: *falls down to the ground*
Kayla: *kicks u while pulling ur hair*
Y/n couldn't get up or try to fight back. Marc and Mathew saw you, they came running towards you. Mathew grabs Kayla arm and moved her away from you. Marc saw u on the ground in pain, he picks u up and kisses ur forehead.
Marc: my special girl it's gonna be alright. I love u, I didn't want this to happened to u *tears falls down*

A/n: ik this bad but I try tho. Anyways, follow me on Instagram it's uwuvargas 😼

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now