Part 69

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You let go of his hand and skates away. He skates towards you until somebody bumped into you, you fell down. You look up to see who was it and it was your ex boyfriend. He let his hand out for you to grab, you take his hand and he helps you up. You got up.
Carlos: I'm sorry
Y/n: it's fine..
Carlos: wanna hang out later?
Y/n: yeah
Carlos: alright see ya
Y/n: see ya
You skate away and gets out the rink. Marc followed you. You took off the skating shoes and give the worker back then gets my normal shoes then put them on. Marc does the same thing and puts his shoes on. Huncho and Jr walks to y'all.
Jr: we going to the mall that is next door
Y/n: alright
Jr: see you there
You nodded. Huncho and Jr leaves the building then went to the mall. You and Marc leaves the building too, went to the mall. You and Marc walked around the mall. Marc walked in the store. You decided to wait outside of the store and you saw Carlos but with his girl. His girl saw me looking and started to walk towards me. You didn't care at the point but she was in front of me now.
Y/n: I'm not here for trouble. I'm just looking at him to see if he did found a special girl and he did. He seems like he's happy with you and he should be.
Kayla: aww thanks for your kind words
Y/n: no problem
Kayla: wanna hang out?
Y/n: yeah
Kayla: okay but why are you here?
Y/n: I'm just waiting for my boyfriend
Kayla: oh
Carlos: i always see your stories that guy of yours, he does make you happy.
Y/n: he really does
You smiled and Marc walks out of the store with new shoes. You looked.
Y/n: babe, this Kayla and Carlos. They wanna hang out with us, is that fine with you?
Marc: yeah that's fine with me
Kayla and Carlos walks. You and Marc followed them. You run to forever 21 and Kayla did the same thing. Carlos and Marc rolled eyes.
Carlos: these girls
Marc: for real
Carlos and Marc followed y'all, walked in. You was looking at outfits and Kayla was looking at shirts and dresses. Marc was with you. Carlos was with Kayla. Kayla walks to you and shows you the dress.
Kayla: try this on
You nodded no.
Kayla: c'mon
Y/n: I don't look good in dresses
Kayla: you probably do
Marc: c'mon babe try it on
Y/n: finee
Kayla gives you the dress and takes it. Kayla went back to the clothes. You grabbed some outfits then went to the fitting room and Marc followed and sits down. You walked in and changed into the dress. Kayla went to the fitting room and Carlos followed then sits down. Kayla walked in and changed. You walked out to show Marc and you didn't felt comfortable in it. Marc looks up and down at you then licks lips.
Marc: you look gorgeous mamas
You blushed. Marc gets up and walks towards you. He kissed you and you kissed back.
Marc: fuckk you are turning on me
Y/n: shut upppp
You walked in again and changed. Marc sits down again.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now