Part 9

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Marc was with his friends to hang out. You were alone, didn't know what to do but then somebody called you and it was a "unknown number" you got scared who could it be, you answered it.
Eric: yo wassup y/n! It's me Eric
You got very happy when you heard his voice. (Just to let u know, he's ur childhood bestfriend)
Y/n: OMG ERIC! I miss you so much!
Eric: I miss you too!
Y/n: we need to catch up with our life
Eric: for real
Y/n: are you in San Antonio?
Eric: yeah
Y/n: meet me at the mall
Eric: alright then see ya
Y/n: see ya
You hanged up and got ready then you drive to the mall. You yelled "Eric!" and ran up to him, you hugged him, he hugged back. You guys were shopping and talking about what is going on. Eric went to the restroom and you saw Marc and his friends, you looked around acting like you didn't see them because you don't want them to what u are doing here. Mathew saw you but then Eric came out the restroom, me and him walked away.

Do you think Mathew should tell Marc about this?
Should Mathew be quiet?

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