Part 25

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Y/n POV:
You were walking around and you felt uncomfortable where you are going but somebody picked you up and put you in the car, gives u something, you passed out. The person drove off then picks you up to the basement and lays you down, ties you up. You woke up and looks at the two people. It was Marcos and his bestfriend.
Y/n: where am I?
Marcos: don't worry about that
Y/n: why am I here!?
Marcos grabbed your boobs and said "you know what I want babygirl". He let go of it then went upstairs and his bestfriend follows him.

Mattia POV:
Saw y/n location and shows it to the guys. Tells him that "we gotta go there to save her".
End of POV.

Mattia and the guys went to your location. Mattia saw two guys leaving the place then drives off. Mattia runs inside and the guys followed him. Mattia and Kairi went downstairs to the basement, Kairi saw y/n. They both tied you and Mattia picks you up, goes upstairs then go back to the car. Then they drove off.
Kairi: what did they try to do to you?
Y/n: rape me...
Mattia: I promise you that they won't do that to you. I'm taking you to the hotel and stay with Marc all the time so you feel safe
Y/n: thanks dino..
Mattia: anytime
Kairi hugged you tight and you hugged him tight. You felt safe in his arms and Mattia got to your hotel. You let go and gets out, you ran inside then went to your room. You saw Marc laying down on his phone and you got on top of him. Marc put his phone back.
Marc: thank god your safe baby!
Y/n: I'm staying with you all the time
Marc: good cause I don't want you to be in danger
You kissed him and he kissed back.
Marc: just know that your safe with me
Y/n: I know

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