Part 52

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After few weeks past.
You didn't feel the same way anymore towards him since he's been distant from you. He barely texts you so went to his house and walked in, went to his room. Opens the door and saw him with a girl in his bed, you were heartbroken and yelled.
Y/n: wtf!
Julian: it's not what it looks like
Y/n: you said you loved me but no just gotta cheat on me! Fuck you
You walked out of his room and he followed you.
Julian: let me explain!
Y/n: I don't want to hear it! Fuck off asshole
You left his house and went to the Mathew's house. You walked in and saw Marc in the living room, you ran to him and hugged him. He looks at you and hugs back then you cried, he rubs your back. You pulled away and wipes your tears away.
Marc: what's wrong?
Y/n: he cheated on me..
Marc: that dickhead! but forget about him bab- I mean y/n
You didn't pay attention what he said but you looked down. He pick your head up and kisses you. You kissed back.
Marc: I love you y/n
Y/n: I love you too Marc
He smiled and you smiled back a little. You hug him again and he hugs back, he kisses your head.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now