Part 15

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Y/n: let's go back downstairs
Alejandro: okay
You and Alejandro got up then you unlock the door, opened it. Marc was in front of you. Marc looked at you and Alejandro.
Marc: what did-
Y/n: we made out. u have a problem with that? I don't think so cause u probably do that with those girls u been talking to!
You grabbed Alejandro's hand and goes downstairs, he followed.
Alejandro: hey is it okay if I asked what's up with you and him?
Y/n: he's my boyfriend well was. I went to the kitchen to get a drink then I see him talking to a girl like can he realize he has a girlfriend but no just goes to talk to other girls.
Alejandro: damn. No girls should deserve like this, you deserve nothing but happiness
Y/n: Awh thanks Alejandro
Alejandro: np
Mattia: what did y'all do in the room?
Alejandro: we made out
Mattia: u were supposed to fuck her
Y/n: Let him take his time !
Mattia: so u would let him
Y/n: I didn't said that!
Mattia: sureee
Y/n: shut up dino
Mattia: midget
Y/n: I ain't that short that's Kairi!
Kairi: That's you !
Y/n: ur shorter
Kairi: ur wayyy shorter than me

Marc was behind y'all.
Marc: u really gotta leave me like this
Y/n: stfu. U won't be hurt
Marc: yes I will!
Y/n: making up shit. I loved you but every time u talk to these bitches. If you really loved me then you wouldn't hurt me but u just did !
Marc: I'm sorry. Let me explain please!
Y/n: no I'm done with you !
Marc: y/n please
Kairi: she said she's done with you dickhead!
Marc: I wasn't talking to you little fuck
Kairi: at least we won't break her heart like you !
At this moment, Marc and Kairi fought. You kept telling them to stop but they wouldn't listen to you so Mattia pulled Kairi away from him and Julian pulled Marc. You saw Marc lip was fucked and bleeding. He wipe his lips. The girl came up to him and helped him.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now