Part 14

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You woke up and you saw Marc sleeping, you admire how cute he was. You tried to get up but Marc was holding u tight.
Y/n: i need to take a shower
Marc: later u can do that but stay a little longer
Y/n: ugh fine
You lay back down and cuddle with him, he does the same.
2 mins later.
You took a shower and got ready for today. Marc look up and down at you.
Marc: where is ur fine ass going to?!
Y/n: I'm gonna go hang out with my friends
Marc: u can't go like this !
Y/n: why not
Marc: cause u look too sexy to be out in public like that
Y/n: well I don't care, I'm going like this
Marc: babeeee change
Y/n: noooo!
You left the house and got in the car with ur friends.
Now it's the night.
You and ur friends went to a party. You saw Mathew and Julian but you didn't see Marc though, you ignore it. When ur song come on, you went to the dance floor and you were dancing then you threw it back. Somebody called ur name. You turn around to see who was it and it was Mariano.
Mariano: damn y/n didn't know u can throw it back like that!
Y/n: shut up but I missed you!
Mariano: I missed you too
He hugs you and you hugged him back but then you saw some guys who was with him. You introduced urself to them.
Y/n: hi I'm Y/n
Mattia: hey I'm Mattia
Kairi: I'm Kairi
Alejandro: I'm Alejandro
Alvaro: hola I'm alvaro
Y/n: it's nice to meet y'all
All: it's nice to meet you too
Alejandro kept looking at you and you didn't mind about it.
Y/n: I'll be right back
You went to the kitchen to get a drink and you saw Marc talking to a girl.
Y/n: hi Marc. Don't u just love to talk to other girls when u are with me! That's so sad. I'm done with you. Don't even come crying to me cause it's not my fault it's yours bye
Marc: let me explain
Y/n: I don't want to hear it!
You walked away and went back to the guys. Alejandro looks at you again. You caught him looking at you again.
Y/n: you have a eye problem?
Alejandro: no
Y/n: then why are u looking at me?
Alejandro: it's just how fine you are right now
You whisper in his ear "come in the guest room" you walk upstairs to the guest room.

Alejandro POV:
Oh shit. I just met her and this fine ass girl wants to do something already.
Ends of POV

Alejandro goes upstairs to the guest room and locks the door. He walks up to you. You pulled his shirt and kissed him then he kissed back. You guys were making out until you pulled away.
Y/n: sorry I got carry away
Alejandro: it's fine
He smiled a little.

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