Part 7

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Marc went to the movies with Mathew and hazel. Marc took a pic of his self, said "missing my babygirl🥺❤️" he didn't like to be third wheeling.

Y/n POV:
You went on Instagram and you saw a video, it was... Marc and this girl kissing. You believe it at this point so you went to the movies to confront him and break up with him in person instead of texting him. When you got there, you saw Mathew's girlfriend and you walked up to her.
Y/n: hi, um do you know where is Marc?
Hazel: yeah he's by the bathroom waiting for Mathew to get out
Y/n: thank you
Hazel: no problem
You go where the bathroom is at and you saw Marc, walks up to him.
Y/n: Marc!
Marc looks up at you and tries to give u a hug but you dodged it.
Y/n: don't fucking hug me
Marc: why can't I? What did I do wrong??
You showed him the video.
Y/n: wtf is this?! You go to a party and kissed another girl when you have a whole ass girlfriend ! I thought you were a great person and were over!
You left the movies and went back home.

Marc POV:
I can't believe this happened. I lost her for good but I will never do that to her because she meant everything to me and I love her so much. You started to tear up.

Mathew POV:
You walked out of the bathroom and you saw Marc crying.
Mathew: whats wrong bro?
Marc: y/n.. broke up with me..
Mathew: when did this happen??
Marc: she came in the movies and told me that I kissed another girl when I really didn't do it.. I lost the love of my life.. *cries*
Mathew: bro it's going to be alright, you'll get her back soon.
Marc: I hope so...
Hazel walks up to y'all.
Hazel: babe is he okay?
Mathew: he's not. Y/n broke up with him..
Hazel: awh, keep ur head up Marc.

- Next morning -

Your sister walks in to ur room.
Jackie: you been in ur room all day, get out and do something fun instead of crying!
Y/n: fuck off!
Jackie: I know you still miss him but sis you can't hate him
Y/n: yes I can. He's a cheater, he didn't love me and why the fuck did he kissed her?!
Jackie: hear me out for once
Y/n: no
Jackie: please I need to tell u the truth
Y/n: fine
Jackie: I was at that party too so I know what happened, I saw Marc with this girl and I thought he was gonna cheat on you but she kissed him and of course he pulled away because he said "I have a girlfriend and she's the only one that I want in my life, I don't want you just only her but you better back away before I call my girlfriend on you" but she didn't leave him alone so I walked up to him and her, I pulled her hair and slapped her, she left cause she couldn't handle the fight with me. Anyways, Marc didn't cheated on you, he loves you.
Y/n: omg I made mistake!
Jackie: everyone does but you better call him to him ur sorry *leaves ur room*
You FaceTime Marc and you were hoping if he would answer and he did.
Y/n: I'm so sorry! I thought you kissed her and sorry for believing that video, my sister told me the story.
Marc: it's fine. You know that I will never do that to you cause I'm in love with you and I won't hurt my cuddle bear, you'll always be the only girl I want in my heart. Will you be my girlfriend again?
Y/n: yes! Can you come over?
Marc: I'll be there rn. I love you
Y/n: I love you too
You ended the call.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now