Part 63

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Y/n: let me gooo!
Marc: no!
He still holds you tight but somehow you got out of his arms then runs off to her. You pushed her. Marc and the boys ran after you. Hazel falls down again then gets back up and looks at you. You give him a dirty glare and she gives a dirty glare too then walks away.
You mumbled.
Y/n: bitch
Marc heard you.
Marc: what happened between y'all?
Y/n: she was calling me fake for not "giving her attention or hanging out" I asked her last time if she wanted to hang out, she said no cause she was "busy" fucking liar
You rolled your eyes.
Marc: oh but can you just made up with her about it?
Y/n: me? Making up to her?! Fuck no
Marc: please?
Y/n: no
Marc: do it okay! I'm tired of your bullshit!!
Y/n: oh okay
You walked away so did Marc. The boys looks at you then walks away since they don't know what just happened. You walked in your house then went to your room. You were just watching tiktok since you have nothing to do but Kairi and Mattia texted you if you wanna hang out, you just left them on read. Since you didn't want to hang out with anybody, you wanted to be alone for awhile. You got up and went downstairs. You went outside just to walk. You were walking. You passed the soccer field and you saw the the boys but you act like you didn't see them. Little did you know they saw you. The boys waved at you and you didn't even bother to wave back so you just walked away. The boys were confused and tried to not worry about it so they kept playing. You walked in the store to get snacks and drinks. You walked to the cashier and buys for it then walks out. You passed the field again and went back home, you walked in then walks to my room. Walks in and puts the bag on the floor then does some tiktoks since I'm bored. You posted some of the videos and puts your phone down then sits on my bed. You got a text by Alejandro.

What's up with you?
It's something
You can talk to me
{Reads at 4:03pm}

You didn't even bother to text him back because you didn't want to talk about what is happening with you but he kept texting you, you didn't text back. You felt like you are going to break up with Marc or just cheated on. Ever since he raised his voice at you, you weren't yourself anymore. You haven't act the same lately. He doesn't text you that much. You were wondering if you should text him so you took awhile to think. Finally you thought about it.

mi amor💍
I miss you☹️
Can we talk?..
{Reads 4:15pm}

You looked at your phone and he just leaves you on read. You left broken inside and you thought to yourself, he doesn't want to talk you anymore. You felt stupid for what you did wrong. You really missed Marc but now you don't have him with you all the time, you lost him.

This story might be ending soon. But thanks for 9k reads! I never expected this to happen! I appreciate y'all for liking this story.

 But thanks for 9k reads! I never expected this to happen! I appreciate y'all for liking this story

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