Part 17

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It's the morning. You woke up cause somebody came in your room and it was Marc.
Y/n: wtf are you here?!
Marc: I need you
Y/n: I don't !
Marc: you do
Y/n: I definitely don't need you
Marc grabbed ur arm and pulls you towards him. He was hurting you. He takes u downstairs and went outside.
Y/n: Marc stoppp
Marc ignores you.
Y/n: your hurting my arm!!
Marc looks at you and let go of your arm then he says sorry. You kissed his cheek and he smiles a little. You saw a car coming up and you realize it's Mattia's car.
Y/n: you gotta go.
Marc: why
Y/n: Mattia and the guys are coming.
Marc: I don't care
Y/n: c'mon
Marc didn't listen to you. So, the guys came out of the car and saw Marc with you. Kairi walks up to him. Marc punched him and Kairi did the same. You tried to break it up but you got hit by Marc. You scream in pain. Marc and Kairi stopped.
Kairi: dude you fucking hit her!
Marc: I didn't mean too and it's not my fault she was in the way!
Kairi: so your blaming her for it
Marc: yeah cause it is her fault!
Y/n: wow everything I have done for you and you do this to me. It's my fault huh.. the only thing I was doing is to stop this fucking fight!
At this moment, you slapped him and punched him then hit him in the dick. Marc falls down on the ground and whispers in his ear "don't even try to hurt me again". You got up and walk to Kairi.
Kairi: damn you can fight !
The guys: yeah!
Y/n: yeah I know
You looked at Mattia and he looks back, he did sign language to you. You understand what he did. You looked at Alejandro.
Y/n: Alejandro
Alejandro: yeah?
Y/n: is there any special girl that you like?
Alejandro: um... yeah why
Y/n: just asking but why don't you tell her how you feel though
Alejandro: cause she's isn't in the right moment
Y/n: oh but I know who u like now
Alejandro: did Mattia told you?!
Y/n: he sign language to me
Alejandro: fuck you mattia!
Mattia: sorry bro
You kissed Alejandro cheek and walks up to Kairi.
Alejandro: .. damn it seems like she likes Kairi
Mattia: trust me bro, she doesn't

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