Part 40

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You fell asleep for 7 hours then wakes up. It was 2 am so, you got up and went downstairs then goes outside. Goes to the park and you only saw Julian, you walked up to him.
Y/n: hey Julian.
Julian looks at your eyes, you had puffy eyes of crying.
Julian: were you crying?
Y/n: yeah
Julian: why?
Y/n: why you care
Julian: cause I do and I'm sorry for being a dick to you. I shouldn't believe her cause you seem a great person, I'm so sorry for treating you like shit and-
Y/n: it's fine Julian
Julian: you sure
Y/n: I'm sure
Julian hugs you and you hugged back. Then you looked at your phone and missed 25 calls and 15 texts by Marc and hazel, you ignored it cause you didn't want to be bother. You walked away to a place that you go to when you are not feeling happy. Julian left and goes back to his house. You turn off your location. Marc kept calling you and hazel kept texting you but you didn't answer to them. The only person that knows this spot is Kairi cause you told him about this. Marc called Kairi and he answered.
Kairi: what's up?
Marc: she isn't answering my calls or even hazel texts
Kairi: y/n?
Marc: yes! I don't know where she could be at though
Kairi: I might know where she is. I'll go find her
Marc: can I come with you?
Kairi: no I want you to stay home bro I'll get her back home
Marc: alright
Kairi hanged up on Marc. Kairi left his house and drives to the place that you are at right now, gets out of the car. He saw you and walks up to you.
Kairi: y/n?
You looked up at him.
Y/n: why are you here?
Kairi: Marc called me and you weren't home so I knew you were here.
Y/n: oh
Kairi: c'mon what's wrong
Y/n: it's nothing
Kairi: it's something.
You looked down.

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