Part 62

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The boys pulls out their gun. The gang looks at them then pulls out their gun too.
Mattia: let them go!
Adrian: fuck no!
Marc: fucking do it!
Jose: wh-
Adrian: let's only give that boy to them not that bitch
Jose: you can only have him back!
Marc: and her!
Jose: you ain't gonna get her back
Marc: why
Adrian: cause we gotta do something to her
Marc: don't TOUCH her!
Jose: you better leave
Marc: no!
Mattia: we ain't gonna go anywhere
Alvaro walks to the boys and you followed but Adrian grabs your arm, holds it tight so you wouldn't go with them. You looked at him then look at them. You slapped Adrian and he let go of your arm, you run to Mattia. Marc shoots Jose and he shoots Marc. You were scared. Mattia shoots Adrian. You run in front of Mattia and he looks at you.
Mattia: go back there!
You look at Adrian, giving him the look "do it". He shoots you like he didn't care and you fell down. The gang members left. Marc gets up and sees you, runs towards you and grabs your hand. Mattia bend down on his knees and looks at you.
Marc: what happened?
Mattia: Adrian shot her
Marc: that fucking dickhead!
Mattia: let's not worry about him right now.. only y/n, we need to worry about her the most
Marc nodded and looks at you. You looked back at him and smiled a little. He kisses your forehead. You slowly got up and he helps you up. You hugged Mattia and he hugs back. Kairi and Alvaro, Alejandro looks at y'all. You saw somebody behind them and it was hazel. She walks towards you and grabs your arm, takes you somewhere for them to not hear our conversation.
Hazel: I'm sorry to say this... but I'm tired.. being friends with you..
Y/n: .... really?
Hazel: yeah... you barely wanna hang out with me and.. you just act like a fake friend
Y/n: me being a fake friend? That's a joke. Says the one who always with her boyfriend and never asks me if you wanna hang out. Last time I asked you if you wanna hang out, you always say 'nahh sorry I'm busy' or 'I have hw to do' your the one not me so get that fucking right!
Hazel looks at you and slaps you. You slapped back and pulled her hair then punched her. Pushed her on the ground still beating her up. She tries to hit you. Marc and the boys saw you. Marc runs towards you and grabs your waist, pulls you off of her. Hazel gets up and leaves. You tried to move but Marc was holding you tight.

No hate towards hazel! I love her but it's just a story

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