Part 48

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Edits of you and Marc then you and Mattia. You sit up and you put your phone down. The boys looked at you.
Alvaro: let's go to the arcade? You down?
Y/n: alright, I'm down
Alvaro: okay! Let's go.
Alvaro and Kairi runs upstairs then goes outside to the car and gets in. You got up and went upstairs then goes outside, Mattia followed. You turned around and take the keys, runs to the car, gets in the driver seat. Mattia runs to the side.
Mattia: give the keys back
You rolled down the window.
Y/n: nooo
Mattia: you ain't driving
Y/n: please?
Mattia: no
Y/n: pleaseeeeeee Mattia
You gave him a sad look.
Mattia: fine
You smiled and rolled back the window. Mattia goes to the other side and gets in the passenger seat. You drive to the arcade. Alvaro puts on some music. Alvaro was singing along and you did the same thing. Mattia looks at you and smiled. You didn't notice he was looking at you but you were still singing along. Few minutes past, you got to the arcade and park the car then gets out. The boys did the same thing and walks to the arcade. You guys got the cards to play the games. Kairi and Alvaro ran off to play the games. You and Mattia walks to the games, you two were playing some games. Somebody was walking up to us. It was a fan and she asked us if we can take a picture, we said sure. She took a picture then you hugged her and she hugged back. Mattia hugs her and she hugged back, she was crying then walked away. You put your phone on stand on the machine then does some tiktoks. Mattia gets in the video and pushes you out a little. You came back in the video and tries to push Mattia out. Mattia laughed and holds you close. You smiled and the tiktok was already over. You got out of his arms then runs to Kairi. Mattia runs after you. Kairi looks at you and grabs her.
Kairi: don't touch her, she's mine
Mattia: you wish
Kairi: my bestfriend
Mattia: my crush..
Kairi and Alvaro: ooouuuuu!!
Mattia: shit
He looks down.
Y/n: I'm your crush that's cute
You smiled and Mattia looks up, smiled too.
Y/n: I know you like me but I can't choose who I want though
Mattia: take your time
You kissed his cheek then runs off again. Mattia smiled again. You turned around and flipped them off. The boys saw and you ran off again but left the arcade. They ran after you. You kept running. Kairi and Alvaro was getting tired of running after you but Mattia catch up to you and grabs you. You tried to move but he was holding you tight. Kairi and Alvaro followed. They both laughed at you. You flipped them off again. You saw somebody walking towards us and it was Julian.
Y/n: Mattia let go of me..
Mattia lets go of you and you walked to Julian. The boys looked at you but didn't followed you. Julian looks at you and you looked back.
Julian: are you dating Mattia now?
Y/n: no
Julian: then why are you with him?
Y/n: I can't hang out with him? Or his friends.
Julian: i don't know
Y/n: oh okay then
Julian: don't go back with Marc
Y/n: why?
Julian: he isn't the one for you
Y/n: what you mean?
Julian: don't you see he cheats on you
You realized that.
Y/n: oh yeah..
Julian: I like you y/n...
Y/n: oh...
You walked away. Went back to the boys and you were shocked. Julian walked away too. The boys looked at you.
Mattia: what's wrong?
Y/n: guys...
Kairi: what?
Alvaro: what's up?
Y/n: Julian likes me too...
Mattia didn't look too happy about it. Kairi and Alvaro looks at each other.
Kairi: who do you want?
Alvaro: do you want Julian, Marc or Mattia?
Y/n: well...

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