Part 34

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Kairi: yo guys and y/n! There's a party, we should go
Y/n: yeah!
The guys: yeah, let's go!
You left the house and went to the party when you got there. You saw Marc and his friends, you rolled your eyes but then you saw Cynthia. You walked up to her.
Y/n: Heyy!
Cynthia: Hii want a drink?
Y/n: no thanks
Marc looked at you and put his arms around her. You didn't care about it. Kairi grabbed your hand and takes u to the kitchen.
Kairi: I saw Marc. He's trying to make you jealous
Y/n: for real he's trying
You laughed. Marc kept looking at you. Kairi went outside cause Mattia and Alejandro needed him for some reason. Somebody grabbed your waist. It was Mariano. You pulled away.
Y/n: wtf!
Mariano: your hot mamas
Y/n: don't call me that!
Mariano pulls you closer to him and grabs your butt. Marc saw you and he knew that you didn't like that so, he walks over to you then pushes Mariano away from you.
Marc: she doesn't like that!
Mariano: yeah she does
Marc: no she doesn't! Just fuck off
Mariano: why do u care? Ur her ex boyfriend
Marc: I still love her! I know she probably doesn't but you do NOT touch a girl like that especially when they don't like that!
Mariano punches Marc and you punched Mariano, kicks him. His friends helped him up and hazel looks at you.
Hazel: can we talk?
Y/n: no
You walked away and goes outside with the boys. Katie walks up to you.
Katie: do you like Kairi or do you still miss Marc?
Y/n: I still miss Marc even though he hurt me but when I was hanging out with Kairi, I got butterflies in my stomach and he's cute tbh.
Katie: awww but do you like him?
Y/n: maybe idk
Katie: if you do then I'll hook you up with him
Y/n: shut up
You looked away and a girl kissed Marc, you felt sad inside but you tried to not worry about it that much.

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now