Part 27

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You left the building and Eric was following you. You turned around.
Eric: your so fake. I thought you were a true friend but no you ain't
Y/n: wym
Eric: you turn your back on me like I was nothing to you. It's your boyfriend fault for losing our friendship
Y/n: I'm sorry
Eric: it's too late for that
Eric pushed you and you fell down to the ground, he walks away like it was nothing. You tear up a little and Kairi saw you, runs to you and helps you up. You got up. Kairi saw your tears and wipes it off.
Kairi: you okay?!
Y/n: I'm fine
Kairi: what happened?!
Y/n: you don't need to worry about it
Kairi: I need to! Cause your my bestfriend
Marc and the guys runs to y'all.
Mattia: what's going on?
Y/n: nothing!
Kairi: there's something wrong cause she was on ground and had tears, somebody pushed her though.
Marc: who's the damn person babe?
Y/n: I couldn't tell..
you were lying to them and you didn't want to tell the truth. At this point, you ran off. The guys were following you and yelling your name, you didn't listen to them, you kept running until somebody grabbed your arm.
Marcos: not you again
Marc: get your hands off her!
Marcos: can't do that
Marc comes a little closer until Marcos took a gun out and towards my head.
Marcos: if you come closer I'll shoot her
Marc and the guys got scared.
Y/n: go ahead shoot me
Marc: are you kidding me?!
Y/n: shoot me
Marcos: will love too
Y/n: what's taking forever then.. you can't do it cause you still love me!
Marcos was about to shoot until somebody shot him then fell down. You turned around and it was your dad, you ran up to him and hugged him tight while crying. He hugged back and said "it's going to be okay baby".

Falling in love || Marc GomezWhere stories live. Discover now