Chapter 4 - Saved

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The dreadful hospital comes into view once again and Jack is about to lose her mind. She can't believe this is happening, sure Kevin has saved her and it seems like he would have been upset if she died. But Jack feels some type of way about this she is grateful that he saved her, but she doesn't quite know why. All she knows is she's going back, and back to the same hell she was in before. Jack shakes while she sits in the car next to Kevin while he is driving.

She tries so hard not to say something to him but she swallows her words. Jack finds that it's better to keep her mouth shut right now. She can sense the way he is gripping the steering wheel he is really mad. Kevin lets out a huge sigh and looks over to Jack who has now rested her head against the window. He wants her to talk, but he can see the look in her eyes she doesn't want to talk to him so he decides to say something to strike up conversation with her.

"So that was pretty fucking ballsy what you did, you really thought you could get away from me, you can't ever get away from me Jack, you were never gonna make it without me..ha so you thought..i got news for you can't and you know why 'cause you're weak and pathetic.. you should be glad i had enough heart in me to save your ass" Jack starts to cry as his words rip through her and she paces herself for what she is about to say.

"You should have let me fucking die Kevin, i would have been just fine without you.. that's why i left i was so fucking tired of you hurting me .. you don't own me anymore" Jack opens the car door, jumping out and she makes a run for it. But Kevin slams on the breaks and opens his door. Kevin chases her and tackles her to the ground. He has Jack pinned to the ground as she struggles to move beneath him. "Kevin please..i'm sorry okay.. just don't hurt me i will go back with you... i will go just please don't" her eyes flood with tears.

Kevin leans down to force his tongue in her mouth and she doesn't fight him off. He continues to kiss her, and grope her as he grabs her breast through her bra but Jack has managed to kick him off of her. Kevin gets up and laughs, she busted his lip, and he thinks it's funny. "You bitch that's a good one" he laughs. "So what do you say you gonna be good for me now and come back with me, you better not fight me off or it will be you're last" she lays on the ground and he picks her up and she agrees to go back with him.

"Yes Kevin" she says with a bit of attitude laced in her voice. Kevin thinks it's sexy when she give's him attitude, but he would also smack her for saying things like that. They both arrive back at the hospital and Jack is terrified to go back inside and she knows that Kevin will never change, he will still beat her and rape her every night. She thinks about all of it and it makes her throw up on the ground before Kevin comes around to her and takes her back inside.

Before she can even get in the door he slams it shut quick making her jump. He roughly grabs her and drags her down the hall towards her room. Jack never thought she would see all this again the hallway is as gloomy and quiet as she remembers. It has only been a day since she left but it's not long enough to be away. Kevin opens her door and throws her in and she falls to the floor almost hitting her head, and she knows it is sure to cause more bruises on her frail body.

"Kevin please.. i need help, i need...first aid kit.. something i can use to stitch my arm please if you get that for me i will be good i promise i can give you a massage or whatever you want" she looks up to him to ask him for help. Jack plays a dangerous game, as she tries to get him to feel bad for her. There are times he will give into her only because he wants to get inside her panties so badly and he knows she will be a little less difficult if he is nice to her. Kevin goes and gets her the first aid kit and something to stitch her arm.

He watches as she threads a needle through the massive gash on her arm and it sickens him. That kind of thing doesn't bother Jack. She has done many things of stitches and other gross stuff while Doctor Lawson was still alive. She also learned a lot when her mom was a doctor, she was taught a lot of basic things. When she is done Kevin takes the supplies away and he leaves for a moment before he comes back. Jack lays her head down, as she is feeling really tired. Kevin walks in and sits down with her for a moment.

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