Chapter 43 - Alone Time

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Jack opens her sleepy eyes to a wonderful sight, Negan snoring gently against her as they shifted on the small couch. His head now rests against her chest for once and she runs her hands through his slick hair as he listens to the way her heart is beating and how her chest rises and falls with each one of her small breaths.

Over the course of the night they both got sweaty and hot so they stripped down to their undergarments to be more comfortable. The feeling of being out here, alone with Negan is amazing, even though she has now made the sanctuary her home she is grateful to have this cabin now to get away from it all.

After her skinny dip last night, she fell asleep rather quick, but today she wonders what Negan has in store for them. Jack moves Negan off of her bare chest so she can get up and she puts her shirt and pants back on. Opening the door the early morning air coming off of the lake, awakens her senses and it is rather refreshing.

While grabbing her gun from the truck a few walkers roam out from behind the trees so Jack grabs Negan's knife from the seat and full on stabs them, like she no longer has any fear. Jack is no longer scared, she feels so much better about herself knowing she can beat the world now.

Negan and Jack have officially been together two months now, it has been two months since he found her, and 9 weeks since she lost her baby. Time has healed her, and she is slowly starting to forget about Kevin and Alex. But she does think from time to time about the whole ordeal, but she has grown so much that it doesn't phase her like it did before.

After Jack kills the walkers, she takes a deep breath with her hands on her knees, she stands back up and walks back to the cabin. Looking in the window, Negan is still asleep so she just stands against the railing, looking out at the view. She thinks about yesterdays events, all the crazy shit that went down in Alexandria and about how every exchange with those people leads to more conflict and danger.

She wants nothing more than to live in peace with Negan, she knows that it will never happen as long as he is a tyrant. The things that he does, don't bother her but she is scared that something will happen to him and it makes her shake. Her thoughts are interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist from behind her.

"Morning beautiful" Negan claims to her as he kisses down her neck, embracing her in his arms.

"You were sleeping pretty good so i didn't want to wake you up"

"Okay baby, this actually was pretty fucking nice to be away from home for a little, those four walls can drive me fuckin' mad sometimes" he exclaims casually.

"I know, but i am kinda ready to go back what do you think i need a shower and you still have a little blood on you neck"

"Sounds like a plan" Negan and Jack both pack up the cabin and secure it, before heading back to the truck. Jack sits in silence mostly the whole time and Negan knows right away that something is wrong.

"Hey, Jack what are you thinking about?" He asks with concern.

"About yesterday, you know the bitch that tried to kill you, i almost fucking killed her when she pulled that gun out, fuck what if she would have shot you i mean look at Lucille i just" Jack talks really fast and works herself up. "I just i can't even think about it"

"Jack, i know you're worried baby, but i have a system, it works people fall in line and if they don't well you know, but that's not the point, the point is that she did try to shoot me, that mullet guy made a bullet that is some pretty cool shit, so that shows me how much those people are that desperate to kill me but i still have then under my boot, i assure you baby, ain't a single one of them fucks going to kill me"

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