Chapter 55 - Let Me Help

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For once Jack wakes up from a good dream, her and Negan were happy for once and things were good for them. The dream was everything she wants, a happy life living away from all of this shit, and she cries because she knows as long as Rick Grimes is alive Negan has the target on his back and she is terrified of their future and what might happen in it.

Having to use the bathroom real quick, Jack slips off the bed, wiping the tears away that have formed in her eyes. She sniffles as she uses the bathroom, and it is mostly because she wants so much, and the dream represented all she wants and knowing the world as it is now, it won't happen.

Jack gets back into bed and Negan is sprawled out, uncovered. His bare chest exposed, Jack covers him up and she cuddles up to him but she is still sniffling, which wakes him up slightly from her movements. His eyes open slightly, while Jack rests her head against him, he can tell right away that she is crying. "Jack, what's wrong baby, why are you crying?"

"I just had a dream, not a nightmare a really good dream, and it just woke me up"

"Why are you crying then if it was good?"

"I wanted it to be real, but it won't be real not with our lives this way. Negan we will never be safe, everyday we have to fight for survival and now you declared war against Rick, when will it stop?" Jack says choking back her tears.

"Jack, i wish i could give you everything you deserve but, that's hard to do baby, there's not much left of the word anymore but i swear that i will try my hardest to give you what i can"

"Okay, i know babe, and i love everything you give me and do for me can we just be together and live right now, because i don't know what our future holds"

"Of course, we have a future i know that your dream is just your minds way of reassuring it, so you can tell me about it if you want?" Negan caresses her face, but she falls asleep as he asks her that question and he stares at her, before closing his eyes. The rest of the night, Jack stays asleep, and she has no more dreams, just the one she had keeps replaying in her mind.

The next morning, Jack gets dressed and heads down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Karen is there who she hasn't seen for a while, and they chat a little before Jack makes some pancakes. When she heads back to her room with the plate in her hand, she opens the door and Negan sits on the bed, holding her guitar. She hurries in and sets the plate down, and walks over to him. "Babe, what are you doing with that?"

Jack has to laugh as he plays the strings. "Thought i would give this puppy a try, see why you like it so much but i can't figure the fuckin' thing out" Jack thinks it's so cute how he is trying to teach himself how to play her guitar. "I mean what the fuck baby, how do you work the damn thing" Negan looks up to her and she stands behind him, moving his arms.

"You have to hold it like this, and i don't know you're left handed so keep your hand on the strings, like this" Jack moves his hand so it is placed against the strings and his other arm holds it up against his bare chest. "There, like that, now just move the strings along with your fingers and...she trails off laughing because his hands are larger than hers. Jack has little hands, and he usually wears a glove on his other hand, but she giggles and he looks at her.

"I'm sorry baby, your hands are bigger than mine, i'm so used to my little hands but here just go along them, you can hear the strings" Negan hitches in his throat nervously, but Jack is gentle and patient with him, and she is so caring and helpful, he loves that about her. "There you go, see Negan it just takes a little practice" she says to him as he plays very faintly and Jack can't help but smile, she never thought she would even see Negan playing guitar, she really is bringing out a different side to him.

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