Chapter 57 - Trapped

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-Negan POV-

That really broke my fucking heart, what just took place i know that Rick is huge dick, but trying to shoot me and my girl, my people is not okay at all, not one fuckin' bit. I had to know when i heard the shots it was going to be a showdown, and yeah i tried to reason with him a little, try to show him that i most defintely have a bigger dick, but he still pulls this shit and now here i am, Jack next to me behind this dumpster.

The goddamn son of bitch blew up their RV right at my gate and now the fuckin' dead are getting in. What the hell is going to happen now, i don't fucking know. All i do know is i have to get Jack to safety, nothing else matters to me right at this moment. I look to my beautiful girl and she looks to me scared, i would take a fuckin' bullet for her if i had too.

I look into her eyes and admire everything about her and this is going to kill me but i want her to be safe, and i need her to live. I cup her face in my hands and amidst the chaos of the shit around us i hold her and kiss her lips, and i have to know that this will not be the last time. I tell Jack to run and get inside, that i will be behind her and that is mostly a lie. I need to find somewhere else to go because both of us won't make it inside and i choose her over me.

She gets up and boy does she look good shooting dead fucks off, i mean damn Jack. I smash a few heads down to clear a path and she makes it to the stairs as dead surround the door and i watch as she hurries inside. I know she thinks that i am behind her, but i run the other way and i can see her and the hurt in her eyes as she slams the door shut. She got inside and that is what matters the most to me.

I have to figure out how to get out of this, the fucking dead keep surrounding me, i keep going with my trusty bat in my hands, she is getting a work out, and Lucille is loving it. I make my way over to the trailer at the end of the lot, i fight more dead off and get the door open. They surround the outside and bang against the side, i keep myself quiet as i search around.

I keep just a few random fuckin' things in here, not much i have myself right now, and Lucille. I have to wait and figure shit out, i could be trapped in here for a while. I am beyond worried about Jack, i hope she is okay, my baby girl by herself inside and i can only imagine how she feels. I can see her beautiful hazel eyes crying, and i don't like to see her cry, she is so fucking beautiful to me, fuck i just have to get back to her, she needs me and i need her.

I sit down against the wall, resting my legs and then i think about the back exit, so i get up to check it out and that fucking exit is blocked up to. Leave it to Rick to surround us with a massive fucking heard and we're all in deep fuckin' shit now. I know that Jack and the other fucks in there will find a way to get me out. My girl will not give up on me, i know it i trust her but i also want her to be safe.

Jack doesn't need to be risking her life to get me out, i will be as okay as i can be knowing she is safe. But i worry about other shit as well, i know that Simon can be a huge asshole and if he even says anything remotely mean to her i will bust his teeth out and they all fucking know that. I have told them countless times that they don't fuck with her and if i am not there she is in charge.

I know Simon thinks that he is if i'm not there, but Jack is my right hand, Simon is third so what she says goes. I know my baby can handle things she has proven to me that she can do things on her own, and she cares a lot about the workers and just other people in general. She has the biggest fucking heart i have ever seen, i mean she can be a bitch too, don't get me wrong.

I have seen how bitchy she can be, and she can beat the fuck out of someone if she wants too, except for that bitch Rosita, she got the upper hand on my baby, but i know that she can handle my lieutenants, and if they give her any fucking shit they will answer to me that is for fuckin' sure. This trailer is dark as shit and the windows are covered, so it's hard to see the commotion outside, but i have noticed that the gunshots have stopped now and Rick and them have gone, but they left a hell of a shitstorm upon us.

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