Chapter 19 - Hangover

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Trying so hard to resist the temptation, Negan stops Jack's advances and she passes out right on top of him. He picks her up, and she is not wearing clothes anymore so he wraps his jacket around her and he picks her up and carries her to bed. Since they were in the wives lounge, Negan has to carry her up a flight of steps that lead to his floor.

Negan rushes to open the door one handed, and he quickly puts her down on the bed, she curls up into his pillow, letting out a small whimper. "Damn baby, i love you but you are a horrible, sloppy drunk" Negan says to her, but she is out cold.

Then he realizes she only has on her bra and panties, so he walks over to his dresser and pulls out a shirt to put on her. He lifts her slightly and slips the shirt over her head, being extra careful not to hurt her. Before he pulls the shirt down, he checks on her wound and it looks great, it's no longer black and blue which means she's almost healed up.

Negan goes to take off his clothes to climb into bed, but somethings missing, Lucille. "Fuck me" he pulls his pants back up and walks down to the lounge to retrieve her. He returns to his room after his little trip and Jack must have moved and fell off the bed.

"Shit, come on baby i got you" he wraps her back up onto the bed and she wakes up slightly.

"Cuddle with me" she says very faintly and Negan climbs into bed with her and holds her till she falls asleep again. He can smell the wine she must have spilled in her long red hair as he snuggles up against the back of her head. It doesn't take long till Jack is fast asleep and she moves out of his arms.

"I love you baby" Negan rolls over to place a kiss to her cheek, and he turns over on his other side, and he closes his eyes awaiting the arrival of the morning. It's super early in the morning and Negan gets woken up by the sound of heavy vomiting and he immediately knows it's Jack. He gets out of the bed and pulls up his sweatpants, curious about his girlfriend who seems to be sick as hell right now.

"Fuck, Jack unlock the door" he says sparingly, but there is no answer. He can still hear her vomiting, so he breaks the door down and he can see her laying across the floor.

"Jack, you okay babe" He asks her but she continues to throw up in the toilet. "Come on, you got to tell me what's wrong" but still no answer.

"Negan, i feel like i'm dying, i think i drank too much last night and now i feel horrible, can you help me up?"

Negan helps her off the floor and he can't help but notice how awful she smells, but he still loves her. "You sure as shit did baby"

Negan picks her up since she feels severely hungover, he wants her to drink some water and eat something. "Negan...what happened last night, it's all kind of fuzzy, the last thing i remember is i saw you burn Dwight's face and i left. I wound up in the lounge i stripped my clothes and drank that whole bottle of wine"

"That actually sounds fuckin' right, i mean i found you passed the fuck out on the couch, your bare ass was hanging out and you were in your bra too, you pounced on me, and you tried to grab my dick, but you were drunk"

"No fucking way, Negan i'm sorry oh god i feel so bad, i groped you and that was wrong" Negan chuckles as he walks back over to the fridge pulling out an apple for her to eat, along with a glass of water.

"Jack, it's fine baby i just i wanted you to be okay, i mean i thought i was going to find you almost dead again, but nope i find you passed out drunk"

"Well it has to be the first time i have gotten hammered like that i mean, i'm not a big drinker you know that, i just even though that didn't bother me what you did i still, felt weird about it so i needed a drink and well as you can tell it was one to many" Jack feels so bad for what she did, although she couldn't help but feel a certain way about what Negan said to her.

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