Chapter 12 - Attack

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After their big fight, Negan slams a few things around and calms himself down. He feels bad for saying what he said to her, but he only wants her to be safe and that's all. Negan is almost asleep, but he really can't sleep without Jack. Something is off, she hasn't come back yet and it's really odd. Negan knows something is wrong and it's most likely because he knows the inventory doesn't take that long, and Jack is supposed to come back by now. He has laid there for quite some time, thoughts running through his head, and they are scary thoughts.

Where is she, i mean inventory doesn't take that long. Maybe she is really pissed of at me. Fuck i shouldn't have been so tough on her, i need to tell her i'm sorry, but i have to find her first. I thought maybe she is so mad at me that she fell asleep in her bed across the hall. So i should check there to make sure, and i sure hope that is the case.

Negan gets up from his bed and puts his pants back on and he walks across the hall to Jack's room. He is expecting her to just be asleep, she looks so fucking cute when she sleeps too. But he opens the door and her room is completely dark and her bed is made up.

"Where the fuck is she, i swear she better have just fell asleep in that kitchen, if anything happens to her fuck, i just damn i don't even know"

Negan is talking to himself, when he sees that Jack isn't in her room he has a gut feeling she is hurt or maybe that she fell asleep down there. Negan walks down the hall to the stairs and heads down to the kitchen. It's dark and erie and the lights are off so he immediately thinks she's not in here so where the fuck is she.

Negan wants to be sure before he goes to find her, and then he thinks she could be in the infirmary. He searches around the kitchen, but still no sign of her.

"Jack baby, are you here...look i'm not mad at you so if you're hiding from me or whatever other shit, please come out, i mean fuck come on Jack, please" Negan calls for her but there's no answer, and he's really starting to worry. There is no noise whatsoever which makes the situation more tense. Negan has one more place to check before he leaves the kitchen. The pantry, which is in the back it's a little separate room in the back from where the kitchen is, and he hopes maybe she sat down and fell asleep.

Opening the door, it's dark and he can't see, but he notices the light won't come on, but there is enough light coming in from the door, and it's just enough for him to see his girl laying across the floor.

" fell asleep in here, come on baby let me get you to bed" but he stops in his tracks when it looks to him like she isn't breathing.

"" he looks at her more closely and that's when he sees her tank top covered in blood, and there's more blood pooling beneath her frail body.

"No no on..wake up" Negan tries so desperately to get her up but she is out cold and her breaths are light.

"Jack...please, you're gonna be alright" Negan picks her up lightly and her clothing is drenched in blood but he doesn't give a fuck right now, his only priority is getting her to Carson. Then he will find out who did this. Running down the hall with Jack in his arms she is still unconscious, and hardly breathing. Negan is so scared right now, he's panicking, he has to save her and he has to save her now. With his chest rising and falling at a rapid speed, he hurries to get her on the table inside the infirmary. He picks up his radio, practically yelling in a serious tone.

"Simon wake the fuck up now, you have to get the Doc like fucking now hustle your ass up and i mean hustle, Jack got shot and she's dying so you better fucking hurry or it will be your ass on the fence"

"Yeah fuck, right on it Negan, on my way to his room, should be there in a minute"

"Good you better fucking hurry, she's losing a lot of blood and she's hardly breathing" About a minute or so later, Simon and Dr. Carson arrive and Negan's hysterical.

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