Chapter 9 - A Gift

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Jack and Negan enjoy their breakfast together and she cleans up before leaving for her shift at the infirmary. Negan also has to go out on a run today so he has to say goodbye to Jack, but he knows she will be okay. Jack is strong as fuck, and he knows it.

"Bye Negan be safe" Jack says to Negan as she hugs him goodbye.

"I'm always safe baby, i just want you to to be safe"

"I will be okay, i will see you for dinner i swear to you i'm cooking tonight no take backs"

"Okay baby, i trust you and i'm holding you to that, i expect a 5 star meal when i get back"

Jack can't help but giggle as Negan drops her off at the infirmary and he goes outside. Jack goes to work and the whole day is slow.

She finds herself doing random things, humming and organizing the medicine. She can't wait to cook for Negan tonight. Jack feels like things are good, her and Negan are getting closer by the day and that puts a smile on her face. He's on her mind all the time and she wonders if he thinks of her that way.

-Negan POV-

This morning was interesting, i had the perfect opportunity to tell Jack how i feel, i feel like i need too so she knows. I will tell her tonight i can't wait to see her sexy little ass cooking for me.

Driving in this heat is a fucker, right now we're on our way to gather some shit for the sanctuary from my outposts. I usually drive my own truck, so Simon drives behind me with some of the other guys. That little asshole Kyle didn't come along and that makes me worry. He better stay away from Jack or i will break his fucking neck. I don't trust him, no guy should go near her and they all know it.

I know she's not mine, but i have promised her i would take care of her and i will be damned if i ever let some fuck rape her again. Over my dead fucking body. I am to invested in her now, i have to keep my promise and i intend too. After we leave the outpost, Simon tells me about another place we can raid, so me being the leader and all, i decide that we raid the place. We drive off to the building.

We reach our destination, and it's a fucking shit hole, it looks like it used to be a mall, so i know there has to be some good shit inside. My guys clear out the dead fucks and we head inside gathering what we can. I have come across a few things for Jack.

I want so damn badly to find her a guitar, but this music store has been raided. I want to do something for her, something really special just to show her how much i care. I have no idea, i was never good at showing affection, i was an asshole to Lucille. I have sworn to myself that i'm not gonna treat Jack like that or any other woman.

Holy fuck i haven't even been with my wives since Jack got there, if and when i tell Jack about how i feel i might get rid of them. I mean it's to the point where i only want her. But i don't want her to be just another wife, she is so much more than that to me. This is real feelings, those ladies are more or less for show and company, but they're pretty useless otherwise.

I look around some more but i find nothing for Jack. Then again i know she loves to sing, and she likes to cook but what else, i need to think about her some more. She's a girl so she will like some new panties i bet, this store still had lingerie. But then i think about how weird this might be if i get her bras and shit for a gift.

I then have it in my head how she would look in this stuff i mean i have already seen her tits by accident. They are huge, that's for sure i mean fuck her body, what i would do to touch her she is so goddamn beautiful to me, and if i could i would tell her that everyday if she woke up next to me. She would be my queen.

Fuck it i pack up the bras and panties. Who knows she might like them. Woman seem to like that shit so i'm taking the chance. We pack up what shit we can and head out to the next place and i can only think about Jack right now, what is she doing i wonder. I can't wait to see her so i hustle the guys along so i can see her as soon as possible. I don't like leaving her alone for to long she needs me and i have to be there for her and it needs to be now.

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