Chapter 62 - Revenge

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The drive comes to a screeching halt, as Negan stops the truck and Jack wakes up, things are about to go down and he snickers to himself at the thought of tonight, Rick Grimes is going down and maybe for good. He starts to whistle and Jack wakes up, moving to sit up and she rubs her eyes.

"Are we there yet?" Jack asks as she looks out the window, and all she can see is darkness and the stars above shine down and Jack admires them a small smile forming across her face. Negan looks over to her and she looks beautiful, the moonlight shining on her hair, she is so gorgeous to him, and he loves her so much but he worries about him being there with him.

"Yeah baby, almost i say we got about 20 minutes yet" Negan says as Jack moves over to curl up to him as he drives. "Don't worry, i happen to know what i am doing, i am pretty fucking smart and badass remember"

"Okay, don't be so cocky babe, i know that you love yourself" she laughs. "But i think that i might love you more than that, i don't know if that is possible, but it is to me"

"Well fuck, it is possible baby" he mocks, and Jack calms her nerves a little bit, trying to relax before the war starts. "It will all be okay i promise" Jack shifts slightly knowing that it is a lie, nothing is ever okay, they are never safe. Jack falls asleep against his lap, and he comes up to the road of Alexandria and he slows down.

Negan stops the truck, and the others also stop and get out, they remain as quiet as they can be, until Negan gives commands. They line up surrounding the gates and Negan looks down to a sleeping Jack, but she moves waking up. "We're here Jack you ready?" He asks her but she feels the need to vomit so she opens the door and winds up getting out. He also gets out and makes sure she is okay.

"Shit, i just fucking threw up again" Jack says leaning back up, and she gets herself together. "But i'm okay Negan" she assures him.

"Alright, well time to get this fuckin' show on the road everyone hold back till i say, maybe Ricky boy will come out if i call him, Jack stay behind me if this shit goes south get in the truck okay?" Jack nods her head and she gives him a big hug. "Alright, then let's get this done" Jack watches as Negan walks up to the gate with Lucille and he knocks loudly a few times as Jack and the other prepare.

He turns on the microphone speaking out loudly, and it sends shivers down Jack's back. "You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm, see we are polite. I mean i don't know when they're gonna wake up and that kinda shot, but they should wake up. So let's just cut through the fucking cow shit, you fuckin' lose. It's over. So you're gonna line up in front of your little houses, and you're gonna work up some apologies and then the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed. Then i kill Rick in front of everybody, and we move the fuck on, so you have till the count of three, count em, three minutes to open this gate or we will bomb the fucking shit out of you and i'm not lying, not one bit, so chop chop"

Negan whistles loudly and Jack prepares for what is about to happen and she knows it will not be good if they don't open the gate. "Negan are you sure they will listen, i just got a bad feeling" Jack whispers as she walks up to him, he stops whistling for a minute.

"They will baby, once they see what kind of heat we're fuckin' packing they will be on their knees begging me not to smash their beautiful domes in, and Lucille here hasn't had any fun for a while can't you tell she is just itching for some action" Negan mocks as he holds the deranged bat up, and Jack rolls her eyes as he brags about it. "Besides maybe i will let you have a few swings with her, you look so fucking hot when you're holding her i mean damn Jack, here let me see while we wait"

"Seriously?" Jack questions and he hands the bat to her, she props it on her small shoulder like Negan does and she actually likes the way she looks and feels and this reminds her of the night they met Rick and his people, the day after was the first time her and Negan had sex, and that had to be the best day of her life. The way he makes her feel when he makes love to her is out this world, but right now she is enjoying her time with the sinister bat from hell.

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