Chapter 3 - Sick

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Still feeling sick as hell, Jack notices Kevin as he stands in the doorway. Of course he can care less about how she feels he can be an insensitive bastard. Jack doesn't even make eye contact with him as she shifts slightly on her bed. Kevin walks in and closes the door behind him as he sits down on the edge of her bed. He tries to put his hand on her leg but she pulls away from him, resisting his touch.

"Alright what the fuck is wrong with you now, i mean damn Jack you were fine yesterday now you're acting like a fucking hard ass again"

"God damnit Kevin i'm fine okay leave me the hell alone okay, i got sick again so i just need to relax"
Jack says in a short temper, but that is a bad idea to talk back to him, he hates when she shows him a little attitude.

"Fine but i want you out of this room at some point today, you can't stay in here all damn day that's not how it works here and you know that" Kevin walks out of the room and it pisses him off so much he slams the door causing Jack to jump out of her skin. Having to throw up again Jack grabs the trash can she has next to her bed. She is so weak and fragile right now she can't even attempt to make it to the bathroom.

Feeling hot and sweaty she is getting sicker by the minute, and with the little bit of medical practice she has she knows if she is pregnant her baby will die, due to the lack of nutrients she needs. There is a huge chance she will miscarry so she keeps an eye out for signs. Finally working up an appetite, Jack leaves her room in search of some food. She finds some stale crackers and they are terrible, but it is the only thing that doesn't make her sick.

Nibbling her crackers she feels some more pain and cramping in her lower abdomen. Jack knows right away after her mom telling her about pregnancy, she knows for sure she is pregnant but something isn't right and she knows it. Rushing to the bathroom she notices the blood pouring out onto her underwear. She falls to the floor screeching in pain she knows she is going through a miscarriage and she believes she might have been going through this for a few days now and she was worried this would happen.

With the roughness of Kevin almost every night, beating her and punching her in the stomach and the lack of food there is no way that her baby is going to survive. Jack cries her eyes out and she doesn't have anyone to comfort her, she wants her mom and she wants to be okay, but after this she is never gonna be the same.

After a few minutes she calms herself down as she doesn't want Kevin or Alex to find her like this, she contemplates getting up, but she does so in a slow fashion as she is still in a world of pain. Trying to get through the tears in her eyes and the pain in her lower stomach Jack tries to fight off the elusive thoughts that are plaguing her mind right now.

Fuck this hurts so bad, i knew this would happen, i have no idea how far along i was anyways but that shits irrelevant now, i lost this baby. Unsure how i really feel about it, i don't know how to get past this, will i ever heal .Probably not, i mean for now on i'm making sure to keep myself away from Kevin he might throw his fits like he always does when i ignore him. But fuck him, no seriously fuck him i hate him so fucking much this is his fault not mine if he wouldn't be starving me and raping me almost every night i wouldn't be in pain like this. But now i have to face him, i can't stay in this bathroom forever i wish i could but knowing Kevin he gets impatient when i don't obey his orders. Now to get myself off the fucking floor and face reality.

Kevin looks inside Jack's room for her but she's not there. "Where the hell is she, the bitch said she didn't feel good so where the fuck did she go" Kevin hates it when Jack acts like this it really pisses him off. He searches for her and he finds her in the bathroom washing her hands. Kevin can sense she is crying but she cries all the time so this is nothing new to him.

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