Chapter 39 - Burned Up

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The instant feeling of jealousy creeps into Jack's mind as she looks at the five beautiful woman in front of her once again. Even though this is for show, she still feels it, the hurt she had when Negan introduced her to them, and how they turned on her just yesterday. The looks she gets from them can kill her instantly, and Jack tries hard to keep her composure around them, then she thinks about how she needs to be the bigger person in this case and that is what she does.

"Ladies, don't mind the kid" Jack stands beside him and the girls look to her with rage in their eyes, but she ignores it. "I know, every woman where your from dresses like they do the books at an auto shop, you're gonna want to look at their titties" Jack slaps him on the arm, but he chuckles "It's cool, i won't mind, they won't mind knock yourself out just as long as you keep your eyes off my number one lady right here"

His arm wraps around Jack's waist as they embrace in a deep kiss. Jack pulls away from him as he stands beside Carl. She then takes notice of Sherry who is comforting Amber right now, she guesses it's because of Mark that Negan is going to give her shit. Jack looks right to her making eye contact for a brief second.

Negan also looks over to her. "Can i talk to you for a minute, dear wife?" He points to the bar that Jack raided once, she remembers every detail vividly and since then the booze has been locked up, for that specific reason.

Sherry stands up leaving Ambers side and walks over to meet Negan by the window "Make yourself comfortable kid, Jack please watch him for me while i speak with Sherry" she nods her head yes. Jack can somewhat here their conversation but she stands by the door while Carl just waits silently.

"You okay, kid that was pretty gutsy of you to do that Negan could have killed you or i could have but we like you so that's why you're still breathing right now"

"Whatever, i took a chance to kill him and that's all you don't have to die, you seem to good to be with him" Jack is in utter shock when he says that, she wonders why they all keep saying that, it pisses her off.

"How dare you say that kid, you don't know him like i do, so watch what you say" Carl stays silent after her speech, he figure he shouldn't agitate the red haired wife any more.

Jack watches and inspects every inch of the conversation between Negan and Sherry making sure she doesn't make a move or something, her nerves on the complete edge right now. He pulls out a bottle of beer and pours a glass for her, but she doesn't take it, Negan has no idea that she is pregnant.

"What happened with Amber and Mark?" He asks her flat out and she takes a deep breath, trying to keep herself together as the dark haired leader interrogates her. Jack eavesdrops, hearing just about every word.

"What we talk about when you'renot here is none of you business" Sherry dishes out her attitude, pissing Jack off but she lets out a deep breath and holds back.

"Fair play" he opens his beer bottle quickly. "You wanna know what i heard, i heard that Mark skipped out on redirect duty to be with Amber and that shit caused a hell of a fucking mess up, so i need to know if it's true. You would have seen her sneak off since you two are so close, did you happen to see her with Mark?"

Sherry thinks for a second as Negan takes a sip of his beer. "There are rules for a reason, if not then shit would hit the fucking fan for sure, you know that by now, hell everyone should know that, none of that shit matters if you're dead now does it? but you my dear are here now, because you get that" he looks over to Jack and she smirks.

The pregnant girl slowly speaks through her teeth, knowing she is betraying Amber and she knows that Negan will punish Mark and most likely her too. But she sells them out, to save herself and her baby.

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