Chapter 20 - All Over Again

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A few hours after Jack falls asleep Negan comes back and sneaks into the room quietly, trying not to wake Jack up. He knows she would be sleeping, since it has to be close to midnight. He strips off his clothes and climbs into bed to lay close to his girl. Jack feels him wrap his arms around her, but she pays no mind and goes back to sleep.

-Jack POV-Two Years Ago-

I just had to put my mama down and it was the hardest thing i had to do. I watched her die, and the words she said to me will stay with me forever. I find myself alone now with no one for miles around, and i'm scared to be honest, i have no idea where i am.

I realize that my mama, needs to be buried and i decide to take her back home and place her in the yard. I scoop her up and place her in the back of the car. This is so fucked up that i have to do this, why the fuck did this happen. Why were people dying, i will probably never know.

Getting into the car proved to be difficult as i had to fight of these dead fucks or whatever the hell they're called. This is really pissing me off, i'm trying to get home to bury my mom, and these shits keep trying to kill me. After i fight one off, another comes up behind me and grabs my long hair. I wind up falling to the ground beating the fuck out of the thing with a hammer i took from my moms house.

I get back up covered in dark blood and i get physically sick, this is so fuckin' nasty, they stink and they're so fucking ugly. The world seems to be gone, now all that's left is these ugly looking fucks. And now i have to be alone, what the hell am i going to do, my first thought is getting my mama home and then i will keep driving to see where it takes me. After my fight with the dead, i hop in my car and drive off to take my mom home, i have nothing left now, i am alone.

After a little while of driving back to my moms home which is in Fredericksburg, Virginia. This is where i moved to when i graduated from high school. We used to live in Richmond, so that's about an hour away from here. I was born in Richmond, my dad is buried there, but that's too far away to take my mom there, i don't have enough gas. We lived there my whole life until i graduated high school, although we lived in two different houses, it my hometown.

I went to college and got my degree, i moved into my own apartment here in Fredericksburg. I got a job at a music store while i was waiting to here back from a recording studio. That never fucking happened, and now here i am 4 years after college and the world just fuckin' ended. I keep driving till i make it back home, and what was once a town full of people, is now a town of abandonment and undead.

Arriving at my moms house, i lift her out of the car and carry her small body to the backyard. And i feel like it's fucked up that i have to bury her here, but i wasn't going to leave her body on the side of the road. I have to accept that she was gone now, and this was the best thing i can do for her, is at least bury her here where she is home.

I grab a shovel and start digging the hole, and i lay her down, i take my necklace off that she gave to me on my graduation day and i fight back tears, having to put it around her neck. I want her to have it so she has me with her forever. I can't even hardly look anymore, the tears flood my eyes so bad that i can't see. Her words replay in my head as i cover her back up with dirt.

After i collect myself, i gather some more items from the house, and i head off back the same way we were going which was towards Washington DC. I figured that was the best place to aim for, so i push the gas peddle and drive off.

I keep driving till i feel myself falling asleep, so i pull over and lean my seat back. I pull out a blanket that was my moms and i cuddle together with the blanket over top of me and i fall asleep. I wake up and it's early morning, i scramble in my bag for some food i had and i ate before stepping out of the car to relieve myself.

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