Chapter 30 - Three Words

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As Jack and Negan make their way down to the lot, Negan's men corner Daryl circling him as he tries to steal a motorcycle. Negan walks out whistling with Jack behind him, she stands back as he walks up to the man, who is closed in with no where to go.

"Are we pissing our pants yet?" Jack loves how he says that. She tries so hard not to laugh, but she giggles under her breath as Daryl looks to be actually shitting his pants right now. He looks beat up and broken and that is just what Negan wants.

"Who are you?" He points to one man, he says "Negan" then he asks another man he also says "Negan" then he asks all together who they are. They all reply "Negan"

Then he looks over to Jack "Come on over here baby i want you to see this" she walks over and stands beside Negan, as he glares down at her.

"Now Jack why don't you tell Daryl here who you are"

Jack simply smiles and says that she is Negan, which she is but she is also Jack. "Well i am Negan"

"Man, you see fellas this is why i fuckin' love this girl she knows the truth now i just need Daryl to see it"

Daryl remains stone faced as Negan brags about his cult shit he has going on. "You see that Daryl, i am everywhere" he says with a cheeky smile "And this was your shot to prove to me and my girl that the fundamental fact was sinking in and you fuckin' failed" Jack moves back a little as Negan moves closer to Daryl. The man remains still not making any eye contact what so ever.

"And you know what that sucks because your life was about to get so much cooler" he stops and chuckles

"Am i Right baby?"

"Fuck yes you are, babe" Jack responds, and the other men look onward as Negan begins to taunt Daryl a little more using Lucille to almost poke at his nasty looking feet. Jack holds back her laughter, she thinks it's funny how scared he seems, but remains motionless, his eyes can faintly be seen beneath his greasy hair.

"Now Dwight gave you some options, even my girl tried to reason with you, but i don't think you get it yet, so i'm going to break it down for you. You got three choices here, the first one is you wind up on the spike working for me as a fuckin' dead man or two you get out of your cell and work for points but your going to wish you were fuckin' dead and number three you work for me, you get some new shoes and you live like a fuckin' king"

"The choice seems pretty fucking obvious, just know there is no door number 4, this is the only fuckin' way"

Daryl stares off into space while Negan's patience grows more and more angry. Jack feels her heart racing in her chest, she has no idea what is about to happen.

After a few seconds of staring him down, Negan raises Lucille to nearly smash his head "Screw it" but he stops just before realizing that Daryl didn't even flinch, and he is impressed.

"Wow you do not scare easy, i fuckin' like that, but then Lucille here she fucking hates it. Kinda pisses her off a little bit. She finds it to be disrespectful, but lucky for your sorry ass she's not thirsty today, but i i'm going to go get me a drink" he chuckles and walks away, whistling. "Lets go have a drink baby"

Negan wraps his arm around Jack's waist as his mean beat the shit out of Daryl some more. "Serves him right" she says as they walk back inside.

"What are you going to do now?" Jack asks as Negan pulls a bottle out of the fridge. "I mean he isn't going to say it so maybe you should let him go" Negan sits down and tries to keep his anger in check. He has never once raised his voice at Jack but this is pissing him off.

"I will give him one more chance, Dwight's got him crying right now, maybe if he comes to his senses he will get the picture" Jack sighs and looks to the floor fidgeting with the zipper on her jacket.

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