Chapter 22 - Lost

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After driving the stolen motorcycle for quite some time, Negan stops and realizes that he went the wrong way. The outpost is in the other direction and he is cursing himself mentally for not even noticing he went the wrong way.

"I don't fuckin' believe this, i went the wrong fuckin' way, the outpost is that way" he points in the opposite direction and Jack can't help but laugh.

"Way to go Negan, you got us lost now, where the fuck are we supposed to go now it's going to get dark soon and i don't want to be out here"

Negan raises his brow as he looks at her, he lets out a little chuckle "What you afraid of the dark, baby?"

Jack tries to look away from him, and he can't help but laugh at her, but Jack is not messing around, in fact she is really pissed off. She somehow knows that Negan did this on purpose, maybe just so he could get her alone.

"Yes for you're information, i am afraid of the fuckin' dark, or more of what's in the dark, i mean fuck we're sitting ducks here Negan, we can't spend the night out here"

"You're right, there might be a town or something in this direction, i say we try to find it to hold up for the night, we don't have time to make the outpost by nightfall, so our best shot is the town" Negan explains to Jack and she seems to be mad at him, but she purses her lips together and agrees.

"Yeah, what fucking ever can we just go now, it's already getting dark and a little chilly" Negan starts the bike up again and Jack climbs on, and he drives off.

The drive takes a few minutes, and they emerge from the road to arrive in the small, creepy town. There seems to be a few undead around, but it's nothing Negan can't handle. He parks the bike outside a rather large building, and Jack steps off and immediately draws her new gun. Jack feels great knowing how to shoot, she can protect herself if she has too. Negan holds up Lucille ready to smash some undead fucks heads in.

"Alright, i got these few over here, just be careful not to waste your ammo baby, shoot them in the head"

"Okay, okay i got it" Jack steps forwards and shoots three of them down "Take that you ugly fuck" she is so damn cocky right now and Negan loves it. He moves on to smash a few of them down, blood spraying across his leather jacket.

"This shit never gets fuckin' old" Negan says proudly, as Jack stares at him waiting for him to decide what he wants to do now. "Okay baby, we should hold up in here, maybe the top floor away from the ground, so the dead fucks don't find us" Jack observes the building he is talking about, it seems to be some kind of casino. Jack has never been inside a casino before so this will be a first time. Negan walks in front of her to open the door carefully.

"Stay behind me, we should clear out this first floor first so we can get upstairs and who knows they might still have some booze in here" he lets out a laugh, and Jack rolls her eyes. Maybe this is why he picked this place, although she is sure there probably isn't anything left in here anyways. The door swings open and nothing seems to be lurking so Negan proceeds with caution with an anxious Jack close behind him.

The place seems to be in complete ruins, furniture has been ripped apart, but Jack is curious about it so she wanders a little away from Negan and he gives her a look as she walks away. "Jack please stay close to me, i don't need you getting fuckin' jumped in here"

"Keep your skirt on Negan, i have my gun ready and i know how to use it, i'm going to look over here, you will see me the whole time" Jack is still a little mad at him for getting them lost, but her priority right now is finding anything they can eat or drink. She makes her way over to a small bar, and she climbs over the counter and jumps down.

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