Chapter 7 - For You

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The room is nice and Jack has her own bed, a small closet to put her clothes in, a dresser and a bookcase. This is her room now, and she is okay with that but the one thing she needs is Negan. He wants her to have the best and that's what he gives her. She also notices a small tv and dvd player she never thought she would see that shit again.

"What do you think baby girl, got it all set up for you cause somehow i knew you would want the room across from me" he chuckles and Jack stares at him relentlessly.

"I like it Negan, i really do the bed looks nice and i have some that's good i don't have to steal your's now and fuck a tv and dvd player this is so cool"

"I knew you would like the books, i had Simon put them in here for you and the tv well that's my treat to you figured when you're not working you can watch whatever kind of shit you watch"

That reminds him of the points system. Obviously since she's not a wife so she will have to work for points. "By the way forgot to mention the points system, everything costs points, but don't worry about any of this or the food just anything else you want from the market or such use your points, the room and board is on me since you're in recovery just don't tell anyone that shit or else it will cause a fucking racket, but Jack working with Carson will get you a lot of points and if you work in the cafeteria too you will be in good shape, does that make sense baby girl?"

"Yeah Negan it does i get it thank you for all of this"

"You are welcome" Negan smiles at her as she looks around the room some more.

"Well baby girl it's late as fuck so i will let you get some sleep, in the morning i will get you some breakfast" Jack's heart sinks as she knows that Negan is leaving her. She wants him to stay and she wants to tell him that but she can't bring the words out of her mouth.

"Thanks Negan, goodnight" Negan pulls her into a hug and she hugs him back and he places a kiss on her forehead.

"You too baby"

Jack wants to melt where she stands as his words are so kind it makes her sad that he isn't staying with her, but he is only across the hall if she needs him. Jack puts her clothes away and she sits down on her bed to write an entry in her journal.

Negan really went all out for me, this is amazing but i wanted to stay in that room with him. I like him like i can finally admit that i do but i would never tell him that. He think's i'm a helpless little girl. Which makes me feel weak i want to be strong and i want to be more than a little girl to him.

Even 12 years ago, i had a bit of a crush on Negan, and now that i have met him again my feelings are real. We will never be i get that, but a girl can dream right? And then i think about how Negan is so sexy though and how his wives are really lucky.

Jack decides to get some sleep and she curls up into her bed and it's a feeling unlike anything she has felt before. Her bed back at the hospital was more like a sleeping bag she hardly ever got any sleep. But now she is comfortable, and she has fallen asleep quick.

-12 Years Ago -Jack POV-

"Honey you mind getting that box from over there, we need to get this stuff in the house quickly your mamas tired"

"Yeah mom i got it, keep your shirt on"

I went to pick up the box not realizing how heavy it was, holy cow me being small and skinny like i am. I had almost dropped the box but this man came up and grabbed the box from me.

"Wow darlin' let me get that for you, it looks pretty heavy"

"Um thank you so much"

Holy shit this man was hot. I mean damn he was older but wow and he was helping me ahhhh calm down Jack just calm down.

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