Chapter 56 - Under Siege

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As Negan stands at the head of the table, Lucille swung down over his side, Jack hears gunshots outside after Negan had just yelled to his people. She knows something is up right away and she stands up to look out the window, Negan stands beside her as they both gaze out. The sight before their eyes is kind of weird to them, cars lined up along the gate with metal armor on the sides.

Jack knows it has to be Rick and his group, but how they found them and why they have this shitty crap on their cars is beyond her. Negan looks puzzled, not really having any idea what to do, and Jack's heart is racing as she has so many bad thoughts about this. Negan stares out the window, thinking about it and Jack decides that she needs to speak up now before Negan does something stupid, and she can't let him.

"Negan, what are you gonna do we can't just go out there, we're open targets you know that" she whispers but the others hear her anyways. "This has to be some kind of joke, is Rick just testing you?" Jack waits for him to answer, but he looks out and she crosses her arms.

"I don't know why baby, Rick is a dick remember he comes to my home like this oh hell no" he sounds mad now and Jack agrees with him. Simon stands up along with the others, but he gets a radio call from the other outpost that have also been attacked, all of them including all of the watch towers and lookouts Negan had set up along have been wiped out. Now Rick shows up here, outside the gates shooting.

"This is fucked up" Jack says to Negan as he listens to Simon talking on his walkie, voices and gunshots can briefly be heard over the static until it goes clear. Negan turns back around to look out the window, he knows that Rick is out there hiding like the gutless coward he is. "Negan, listen to me we can't go out there"

"Should we get out people out there? Line 'em up, light 'em up?" Simon says behind the two of them, and Jack has no idea how to even convince him otherwise.

"No. They got some sort of hillbilly fucking armor. We would just be wasting metal on fucking metal. And the Rpg is stashed at the cache, so...let's have ourselves a little chat. Simon bring your new little friend might need him to say some words" Negan demands as all of them leave the room out to the hallway and Jack stops Negan before he goes out the door.

"No, please baby you can't go out there" she hugs him, and he places his hand down her back. "Please" she looks into his eyes, but he gives her that look, the i have to look, i'm sorry baby look and she knows that all to well. There is no convincing him to back down from this and she knows that he will try to keep her inside too, which is not happening.

Jack pulls her gun out and clips it in the back of her jeans, and pulls her shirt down along with her jacket. "I'm going out with you, and you can't stop me"

"No, no fuckin' way Jack you're not no way in hell" he holds her back but she releases herself.

"Oh, so it's okay for you to go out there and not me that is so fucking like you just please let me help i can protect you or i can try to if you let me you know i can do it so please just let me?" Jack pleads her case and Negan as much as he doesn't want to allows her too.

"Fine, just stay behind me baby, shit goes south i want you back in here as quick as you can okay?" Before he goes out he orders some other men to guard the windows, so that they can have the coverage in case of gunfire.

"Okay, i swear babe" he kisses her and holds onto Lucille as he opens the door, and Jack follows along with the others. "What the fuck?" She says under her breath as she gets a good look at this shit that is going on, the cars look ridiculous and she can't help but laugh because they are all so scared that they can't even show themselves.

Negan strolls out all proud like and Jack stands closely behind him as he looks down to the shit unfolding before his eyes. "Well, shit..i'm sorry i was in a meeting" he gloats out, as everyone behind Jack and Negan stand back and observe as well. Jack is prepared for the worst case scenario right now and she hopes that Rick stands down.

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