Chapter 64 - Finding Out

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The door to the infirmary swings open and Jack walks in still feeling slightly sick, but she grabs a pregnancy test and heads to the bathroom. Negan calls for Harlan, and by the time she gets done he is there, and they wait for her to return. Jack walks in with the positive test in her hands and she takes a deep breath.

"Well i guess this means we're having a baby officially" Jack hands the test to Negan and he knew it before she took it but this makes it even more real. He is going to be a father, and he couldn't be happier. Jack sits down on the exam table, but Harlan is unsure where the machine is.

"Jack you happen to even know where the machine is?" Jack stands up and looks in the closet, pulling out the small machine, and she helps him hook it up. Jack sits back down and rolls up her shirt. "Okay well this isn't usually what i work with here but let's see what we got, this screen is quite blurry too so it might be hard to see"

He has the wand over Jack's belly and the picture is not very clear but Harlan looks very closely and sees the little bean, and Jack has to squint her eyes to see it. "Right there, very little i would say 7 weeks, maybe almost 8" Jack starts to cry as she sees her baby on the screen and Negan is looking closely as well.

"Babe, look it's our little bean" she cries out and at this moment Jack feels like she is happy, this is her chance she never had the last time, to have her own little boy or little girl and she is going to be a mom like she has always wanted. The fact that she is having this baby to begin with, is good but to have him or her with the love of her life is more amazing then anything.

"Fuck, this is really happening i'll be damned" he shuffles closer to see the start of his child growing and it is truly real and amazing to him. "We're gonna be parents baby, this is so fucking amazing" he kisses Jack's forehead as they stare a little more at their little bean.

"Here, start taking these daily, prenatal vitamins are important" Harlan explains as he hands the bottle to Jack.

"Okay but you know, i think i'm happy about it" Jack says as Harlan prints a picture out and she sits up covering her belly back up. "I can't wait to hear the heartbeat i have find that doppler machine, or maybe get that one from hilltop, oh speaking of i really want to see Cash it's been so long babe, please take me?" Jack begs him to take her.

With everything going on, he is reluctant to let her go but they need that machine, so he decides that later on he will take her, but for now he has some business to take care of. "Alright we can go later baby, i swear"

"Okay, now that i can actually go outside i want to pick out some things to take for Cash, i want to feed him while i'm there and if it's safe Harlan for me to ride him if i can?" She asks and she is quite early yet so he says it's okay.

"Yeah you should be fine, take it easy though with your symptoms and stuff" Harlan explains. "Other than that if you do get the machine it should be pretty simple to get, could you also pick up my medical bag and my other equipment?"

"Yeah anything you need doc it's on me" Negan blurts out, he is now very important to the both of them and their unborn child. "You're an important man Harlan, we need you, speaking of how is good ole Gabey?"

"His eyes sight is bad and he has an infection but the meds seem to be helping him get by"

"Good" Negan and Jack both leave and she goes back to the room to prepare for her trip while Negan heads to the meeting room, debating the next set of plans he has to set in motion. "You gonna be okay, come see me when you're ready and we'll go"

"Yeah, take care of what you have to i'm going to relax a little before we go" Jack kisses his cheek and walks to the room. She enters and stares at herself in the mirror, she takes notice of how her face is flushed, and she rolls up her shirt to rub her stomach, she can't see a bump yet, but she knows her little bean is there.

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