Chapter 16 - Opening Up

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After their talk last night it didn't take long for Jack to fall back to sleep, and Negan held her all night to make sure she didn't have another nightmare. Jack hasn't had a nightmare that bad in a few weeks, and back at the hospital she had them almost every night. Morning approaches and Negan slowly rises from the bed, but Jack is still asleep. He is thankful that he was there when she was wrenching around in her sleep from the nightmare. That was the first time he has ever heard about her Dad and he is just happy that she is finally opening up to him.

This is a step in the right direction for their relationship, Negan wants nothing more than for her to open up, he wants to be there for her. He gets out of the bed and leans down to kiss Jack's cheek and he can't help but admire her and how adorable she looks when she sleeps. Negan decides to make some more pancakes for breakfast, because he knows how much Jack loves them, so he grabs batter and mixes it together and turns on the stove. He makes Jack two pancakes and places them on the table and then turns around to make his. When Negan is all done, Jack is still asleep. Walking over to her, he sits down on the edge of the bed to wake her up.

"Jack...come on baby, i made you some pancakes" but she ignores him, her eyes are open but she scurries away from him. Negan takes notice right away, but he can't seem to figure out why all of a sudden she is acting like this.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't feel good, i don't want to eat right now"

"Okay..well i got some things to do real quick but when i come back, you have to eat for me" Jack nods her head and Negan leans down to kiss her but she hesitates for a second before returning the kiss.

Negan leaves the room locking the door and Jack still lays in the bed feeling sad. She still has some pain in her hip, but right now she can only think of the dream she had. Jack can't get her Dad's face out of her mind, she remembers very little of him. Jack slowly rises from the bed, and she walks over to try and eat. The pancakes are good and she ate all of them, but she can't help but feel depressed. Jack is slowly having memories come back to her about her Dad, and what happened to her mom. She slowly remembers being on her own and then when she came across the hospital, it's all to much for her to think about, so she crawls into bed and cries.

-Negan POV-

I finished my breakfast and i have no idea what's wrong with Jack. She had that dream overnight and it must have been really fucking scary, because now she is acting weird. This is the first time i have seen her this way, i hope that she can get past this.

I'm on my way right now to the outpost for our first pickup from the Hilltop. This should be good, i will see if the bearded prick actually lived up to his side of the deal. And if he didn't well my girl is ready for an ass kicking.

It takes about an hour to get there, and my guys come out and tell me that they refused to give anything up. Those fucking assholes didn't give any shit. This is not okay, i think that maybe i have to pay Gregory another visit and i had warned him about this, now things are about to get violent. I hate this but it has to be done these farmers don't want to listen then i will make them.

I fucking decide to send Simon to deal with it, most of the time that's what i do. I send to my guys out to these places and get them to submit, and usually i have them kill at least one person to send the message loud and clear, that if you don't give me half you shit, someone dies. Simon heads to the hilltop to deliver the standard message, you kill one and get them all to fall in line.

Later on Simon comes back and says that the message was delivered. They killed someone, i don't give a fuck who they killed but i sure hope those assholes get the picture now. I told my guys to make sure they knew right off the bat what is at stake here. Half of all their shit belongs to me now and that's the way it is for now on.

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