Chapter 71 - Home Sweet Home

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As Negan tries to negotiate with a hostile Jadis, Jack is still in the cell as afternoon comes around. She awaits the return of Simon, hopefully to let her out. Jack has been in here for hours and hours, all night and now half the day has gone by, and she is so worried that he won't let her out and Negan will return and be killed. She cries her eyes out knowing if she is in here she can't stop it.

Negan lays in the stretcher trying to talk with the woman, and he seems to be getting through to her until an alarm on her watch goes off and she looks nervous. A helicopter whirls above the junkyard and she tries to move the walker towards Negan. "Just stop" he pleads again, but she moves it closer to him and he shoots it. Then she tackles him trying to grab the flare but it falls out of his hand into a puddle.

Negan takes notice of the helicopter and it seems strange to him. "What the fuck?" He mumbles out and Jadis comes back with another flare as it turns around and leaves. She yells for it to come back but who ever it is doesn't hear her. She falls to the ground, sobbing and she looks back to a curious and confused Negan.

Walking over to Lucille she threatens to burn her with the flare. "No, no don't. I didn't burn your pictures. I didn't do it and i wouldn't. That is all i have left of her. You burn her and all you have left is ashes"

"No, i get to hurt you"

"I didn't do it. I can settle it. I swear on my fucking sack i will. I can settle it. Okay? She drops the flare, and begins to cry out loud. Jadis then unties him, and he gets his jacket back and his Lucille. Getting ready to head back home, he stops to see her before he exits.

"You didn't lose you. You should know that. Now you wanna tell me what the hell happened here? What that was all about? She doesn't answer. "You can come with me you know. Follow a new path"

"Your path" she states.

"The offer stands. I'll swing by again sometime, maybe bring my girl with me, and who knows we might have a kid by then. And then who knows, maybe you will want to share" he lets the woman be, and leaves. When he does he takes her car, and heads back home. There is a lot of shit he needs to take care of, mostly just Simon.

Negan is actually worried about Jack, he is nervously tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. The sun sets and it's dark and he has a long drive back to the sanctuary. He straps Lucille into the passenger seat, making sure to buckle her up mostly just for a laugh. He drives down the road, turning on some music, and it reminds him of Jack's voice and how gorgeous she is when she sings or sings to him so he keeps going and going.

Back home Jack is still in the cell as Simon shows up, he opens the door and leans against it with his arms folded, and Jack hardly looks up to him. She is so terrified of him right now, that she almost cowers in the corner, having the feeling that he will beat her, harming her but her baby as well. "So, you ready to apologize to me for that little stunt you pulled last night or you wanna spend another night in here, because that is okay with me" he waits for Jack to answer but she remains frozen in place, with nothing but silence.

"Besides, Negan hasn't returned and since that is the case you stay in here till you say you're sorry and then well if i feel generous i will let you out, so what do you say Jack?" Simon moves closer to her and Jack makes eye contact with him.

"Fuck you Simon" she yells out, and he takes that as a no and stands up.

"You made your bed, now you have to lay in it, and that bed is right here in this cell and as long as you are in here i am in charge so get used to it, maybe i will give you a shitty job, or hm i don't know yet, get comfortable, you might be here a while" he grins and slams the door scaring Jack out of her skin. Jack lays down on her side, crying and shaking because she is hungry and cold.

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