Chapter 5 - New home

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After a short while, Negan slows his truck down, as he arrives at the gates of the sanctuary. The fragile girl is still slumped across the seat, sleeping away with her feather light breathes. Negan doesn't want to wake her just yet so he steps out of the truck and starts barking out orders to his men to clear out the supplies from the trucks. "Let's get this fucking done now i would like to relax and unwind, cause let me tell tell ya it's been a long ass day' The men begin to carry boxes of supplies into the building, as Simon and Negan supervise them.

"So boss what about the girl i mean we can't just leave her in the truck all night" Negan chuckles while he holds Lucille on his shoulder.

"Relax Simon" Negan says "I can handle the girl, just get in there make sure these fucks can get my shit put where it's supposed to go and make sure they don't steal any of that shit too" Simon leaves Negan's side and goes inside while Negan contemplates what to do with the girl. He wants to get her inside so he opens the door and looks down at her as she lays there with her chest rising and falling. He can't help but notice the skimpy piece of cloth she is wearing, but he shakes all the dirty thoughts from his mind and focuses on the issue at hand.

She moves slightly to curl up tighter as she holds his jacket close to her body. Negan leans down and slips his arms carefully underneath her backside being extra careful not to hurt her. He lifts her off the seat and she wakes up slightly and lets out a faint noise. Negan thinks it's cute, and he knows this girl has really been through hell, he has no idea what kind of hell, but he is sure if she wants too she will tell him. Negan holds her close to his chest, and he notices she is still asleep and she curls into his chest as he carries her. Unsure where to put her for the night he takes her up to his room which is the "nicest room in the whole damn place" as he likes to say.

His bed is most likely the safest and most comfortable place for her tonight. Negan figures he will take the couch while he let's the girl sleep in his king sized bed. He lays her down and covers her and he has to admire her beautiful face and how her long, red hair is tangled and greasy. Negan knows this girl doesn't deserve this. He is so curious about her and wants to know more. Negan finds her very fascinating and she rolls over while he's tucking her in and he sees how she still has the skimpy dress on, but he leaves it on her for now and takes his jacket off so she will be more comfortable.

Wanting to make sure she stays warm, Negan grabs a few extra blankets since she's shivering. He notices how skinny she is, her bones can almost be seen and it's really sad to him. Negan is not one to cry, but this makes him feel horrible, he wants to help this girl and protect her and why he wants to is beyond him. Negan somehow feels something for her, but he can't quite figure it out. The girl is asleep and curled up on his bed as he looks at her in awe. Negan decides after the long ass day, he is going to hit the hay himself, and decides not to even bother his wives tonight.

He isn't in the mood after what happened today and the only thing on his mind is this girl and how he has to help her get back to health. Negan figures in the morning he will take her to Carson so he can check her out to make sure she's okay. Negan hopes she feels better in the morning so she can eat, if she can even trust him. He has no idea what to expect from her when she wakes up. He hopes she will come around to trust him. Negan lays down on his couch and turns out the light after he checks on her one more time, she looks peaceful so he falls asleep.

Damn those fuckers really hurt this girl. That shit is not okay, they not only killed my men in cold blood but they had this poor, fragile girl held prisoner in that piece of shit hospital. But those fuckers are dead now, my girl Lucille made sure of that. I really hope she will be okay, she could have died there from her lack of food or i had noticed a cut on her arm, it looks bad, but in the morning i will get Carson to check her over, that is if she lets him. Who knows, i guess when morning comes we will find out.

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