Chapter 49 - Join The Cause

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The sound of panic coming through Negan's walkie distracts Jack and Negan's little makeup session. She doesn't want this to stop, as Negan has brought his hands down to cup her ass and she wants this to go further. Gunshots can be heard faintly through the static as one guy yells for Negan.

Jack finally lifts up for air, as she climbs off of his lap and Negan shuffles around disappointingly. "You better get that something is fuckin' going on, i hear gunshots going off" Negan picks up the walkie and answers who he thinks is Jared on the other end.

"What the fuck is going on, someone better fuckin' tell me right now" all he can here is static until a voice breaks through. "Who is there, fuckin' answer me" Negan yells through and gets no response. Jack sits at the edge of the bed, worried, she thinks that somebody broke in here and now they're shooting the place up.

A voice breaks through. "We need backup by the east entrance, intruder broke in almost shot up a few guys it seems to be a woman" the voice fades off and Negan throws the walkie down.

"Fucking damn it this shit is not fucking okay, Jack i need to go down there stay here i swear i will come back"

"No you can't, what if...what if it's Daryl or Rick they will kill you the second they can" Jack starts to get worked up as Negan pulls his pants and shirt back on. "Please just let the guys handle it" she pleads, but Negan takes a deep breath running his hands along the back of his head. Something has to be done about this and he has to see who it is.

"I have to go babe" Negan gives her a reassuring look before he grabs Lucille and walks out the door. Jack cries as he leaves, but she knows that Negan will be okay, or as least she hopes that. Jack lays down, but she can't stand this so she gets up and puts her pants on. Sneaking out of their room she walks down the hall, towards the east entrance.

This reminds her of the time where Carl Grimes shot up the men out at the truck. Jack knows that this has to be an Alexandrian, but who she wonders who this could be. When she was at Hilltop, she didn't have much of a chance to pry like she wanted too, things got kind of complicated, and with that she didn't find anything out.

Negan makes it down to the east entrance where he sees what looks to be the woman, hiding behind something trying to shoot his guys who are also hiding behind a door with guns drawn. A few shots are fired back and forth between them.

Jack walks down the hall and a few shots can be heard so she ducks down and she can see Negan out the corner of her eye hanging low to the ground. A few men come out of a doorway to subdue the woman, Jack steps out behind Negan and he looks back to her, with an angry expression.

"Damn it Jack i told you to stay in the room, we can handle this" Jack moves closer to him and hugs him tightly. She just wanted to be there to help him, she had her gun ready to shoot someone if she had too.

"I know baby, i just wanted to help you" Jack says against his chest and she looks to the side and sees the men tying the woman up, they knock her out as well her head hits the floor. "No fucking way, Negan it's that chick from Rick's group she was at Hilltop too, i just saw her there"

"Oh fuck it is baby, she was there that night too, i guess now we know her motive" Negan lets go of Jack and walks over to her, as she lays across the floor bruised and beaten down. The guys might have been a little rough on her but she had to be stopped.

"Why don't you fellas put her in the cell for the night let her have a little time to think, take this gun get it in the armory"

"Yes Negan" the men carry her and put the woman in a cell, they lock her in tightly, with her arms still bound and tied behind her back. Jack and Negan stand and watch for a second just to make sure she is fine.

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