Chapter 67 - Motion

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There are a lot of thoughts going through Jack's mind, her doctor is gone, things are going awry and now Dwight is missing too. After that night he never came back, along with Laura and his team. Something was up and she is sure that they might be dead. If Laura is dead, who is taking care of little Jamie, she makes it a mission to find that out, while Negan prepares his team for the new outpost that Eugene is set up for.

Jack heads down to the main floor where the workers are and she looks for the small toddler. Searching around she finds him with Karen, and Jack feels relieved that someone is watching him. "Hey Karen i'm so glad you're watching him, i was so worried when Laura didn't come back i sure hope she is okay though"

"Oh sure he is so sweet, i have had him since but i heard that you are pregnant, Jack i am so happy for you and i wish you nothing but the best and for Negan i just hope all this ends soon, we lost.. a lot of people when that invasion happened and i'm glad they got that patched up" she points to the opening where the truck crashed and Jack looks to the floor with guilt.

"I know me too, but Karen we're gonna make things better again, get justice for those who died, Negan and i are trying to make things right again" Jack explains and she bends down to the little boy.

"Hey there i got something for you" Jack hands him a little teddy bear she found at the market. "This is for you i hope you like it" she smiles as the boy takes the bear from her hands and holds it close to his body. He looks up to her and he lets out a very small smile.

"Thwank you, Jack" he says and she can't help but melt at how cute he is. In a few months she will have one of her own, well at least Negan thinks it's a girl.

"Awe you're so welcome, now you need to stay with Karen and listen to what she says your mommy should be back soon okay?" She confides the little boy. And she leans down to give him a hug and he returns it and walks off with Karen, giving Jack a small wave as he leaves. Jack knows that Laura has to be alive that chick is tought as hell, she is most likely trying to make her way back here.

Heading back up to meet up with Negan, she stops by the infirmary which is now empty and she feels really sad about it. The doctor is gone and maybe dead, and that is bad news for her. But then she realizes that she might be on her own for the rest of this pregnancy relying on what little she knows. Her little bean is worth everything, and she has to do what she can for him or her.

Jack meets up with Negan, who is ready to get going and he prepares everyone to pack up for the new outpost as well as Eugene. "Hey baby, come in just making last minute preparations for Eugene you wanna ride with me check the place out?" Jack walks over and sits down across his legs.

"Yeah, sounds pretty fucking cool i would love to go with see some shit being done, but is he really going to make bullets like actual ones to use for the guns?" Jack wraps her arms around his neck so their faces are closer. "I am intrigued though this shit is awesome babe"

"Fuck yes it is, he is most definitely going to be making bullets for our guns, get the filled back up and shit so we can end this war once and for all. Rick and his pricks don't stand a chance against what's coming shit is going down baby" his walkie goes off at that moment.

"Negan, sir we found the priest and the doctor, found them out in the woods but the doc he..didn't make it" Jack listens and her heart sinks she had that feeling he was most likely dead but hearing it to be true makes her feels emotional.

"Fuck, well bring Gabey back got some plans for him as for the doc well i don't give a shit bury him do whatever the fuck you want just get your asses back pronto" he hangs up and slams the walkie down on the table beside Lucille.

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