Chapter 14 - The Meeting

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Negan follows the man known as Gregory inside the huge house that overlooks the whole community. Simon and the other men stay outside and guard the house while Negan's inside. He sits down at Gregory's desk and props his feet up like he owns the place. Negan thinks after this he will own the place and he laughs at the thought.

"So Negan is it can i offer you a drink?"

"Sure, Gregory sounds like a plan" Gregory grabs a glass and fills it with bourbon and hands it to Negan. He savors the taste and sips it willingly.

"This is a nice place you got here, but let me ask you how would you feel about helping me out..letting me help you"

"I don't know what you mean by that"

"Ahhh see Gregory, i'm saying that we should help each other, you give me half of your shit every week, i will offer you protection from the dead fucks out there, now if you ask me that's a pretty damn good deal and i think you should take it"

Gregory looks at Negan and he has no idea what to say, he opens his mouth to speak, but says nothing.

"Are you serious about this exchange?" Gregory asks, he is unsure whether he can trust Negan and this offer, because somehow he knows something is off about this man that sits in front of him.

Gregory knows that Negan's demeanor is a little more sinister, so he says no.

"No, i don't....i don't think that we can do that, we don't have enough to give you, we are struggling ourselves i mean we have families here and children, we only have enough food for ourselves so it's a no deal Negan i am sorry that's just the way it has to be"

After hearing Gregory's speech Negan is not happy one bit, he snickers through his teeth.

"That's disappointing Gregory, you have no idea who you're saying no to" Negan slams Lucille down and it scares the shit out of Gregory.

"But if that's how you want to play it maybe i need to do some convincing with my girl here, she will fuck someone up if that's what you want?"

"No no, we we got a deal just don't hurt any of these people, were all just trying to live so please, we can give you what you want"

Negan seems to be intrigued now he has finally put his foot down and got the son of bitch to comply.

"That a boy Gregory, i think this is the start of a beautiful friendship" Negan stands up and shakes Gregory's hand and the man couldn't help but shake in his boots, he is scared and Negan can somehow sense that.

"Well Gregory good meeting, my men will be back in a week for our first offering, if you don't have enough to give well let's just say my men have my permission to kill someone, you don't want that now do you?"

"No no we will have it, i swear"

"Okay good, i will see you next time"

Negan leaves the house and he returns to his truck, he goes on to tell all of his men about the deal, his satelite outpost is going to be responsible for the weekly pick ups and if they don't give up then someone dies. This is Negan's way of dealing with the situation. He gets into his truck and drives away.

-Negan POV-

Damn i can't believe he actually agreed to that deal, i guess i pressured him, which i am pretty good at doing that. Those people are mine now, all of their shit is mine, i don't like having to do this but in this world it's kill or be killed. I have come to realize if i kill just one person to save hundreds i will do it.

I care about my people, we need to keep going on no matter what, i care about my girl more than anything amd i need to make sure she can live the best way she can. I have to give her everything she deserves.

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