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—————— Football

"What do you think of Mr. Hotstuff" Ashley winks as we walk out of the classroom.

"He's not that attractive" That's a lie. He's beautiful. I could feel the look she was giving me, I walk up to my locker and stuff my english books into it.

"What are you talking about" She slams my locker door shut, She would've got my hand stuck there if i didn't move it.

"No way..." Someone interferes us. "Sidney Carter"

"Daniel Seavey" A tall boy with bleached blond hair, Ocean blue eyes and the cutest little toothgap ever. He's a bad boy. Him and Ashley dated for a while but split and still no one knows why.

"My cue to leave, See you soon" Ashley skips off.

"I almost didn't recognize you at first" He hugs me. I hug him back. He stenches of weed.

"Have you been smoking?" I raise an eyebrow, pulling away from the hug.

"Absolutely not, Mixed two colognes together" He laughs. I judge him from inside a little bit "Don't give me them judgy eyes, Carter..." He winks.

"Is this your free?" He asks, Swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"I think Mr. C purposely gave me a lot of free's" I show him my timetable. Jason walks past and gives Daniel a dirty look, He was part of our friend group too but after what he did to me, All the boys just decided to cut him out.

"Lucky you, I have 2 free's Ones now and ones Wednesday" He rolls his eyes. We start walking outside just to watch the boys play football.

Corbyn, Zach and Jack all play football. We sit on the bleachers and my brother walks over with his jersey on.

"New Coach just kicked me off the team" He coughs. Looking down and around all the guys on the pitch.

"Stop dong drugs and maybe he'll put you back on" Daniel starts eating something.

"Shut up" I roll my eyes at him "You just need time to be yourself again and start practicing, I'll have a word with him" I stand up.

"Good luck with that" He throws his guard down onto the floor. I step down and pick it up and then walk up to their new coach, Which just happened to be Mr. Frantzich.

"I'm trying to train here" He looks at me and then back at all his guys, standing their looking at us.

"I gotta talk to you" I fold my arms. He's hot but he seems like a dick. Just because he's older than us doesn't mean he has all the authority over us. Actually maybe he does but that doesn't matter.

"Okay guys, Find a partner and do tackling. Don't go too far though" He shouts before turning his attention to me. "What's wrong"

"Why'd you kick my brother out" I frown. He's got brown hair and blue eyes that are sparkling right now. His lips are like perfect and his jawline could cut through a brick.

He shoves his hands in his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes, "New rules now that i'm the coach... One of them is you have to be healthy, Smoking isn't healthy." He puts them back into his pocket.

"Have you even given him a shot, He's better than all the boys here" Facts. He was the captain and he's very talented in football and basketball.

"Look... Miss. Carter-"

"Sidney" I correct him. Miss Carter seems too formal.

"Sidney... I'm really sorry about your parents and i've seen videos of your brother playing. He's amazing, Might actually be one of the best i've ever seen. Get him off the cigarettes and i'll put him back on the team." He looks at me, around my eyes and then back at the bunch of boys tackling each other on the ground.

"And give him a break in English too... He's dyslexic" Me and Sammy both are, Hes worse than me but i kind of miss Mrs. Fleming, She helped us with all of that by giving us extra classes.

"Goodbye Miss. Carter" He walks out to the crowd of people. Dick. Pretty face means nothing if you have a shit personality.

I walk back up to the bleachers and sit between Sammy and Daniel. "Why are you smoking?" I turn to look at Sammy.

He sighs "I don't know Sid. My parents died, My brothers in prison, I have no one. My friends ditched me because i don't leave my house, Mr fuckdick just kicked me out of the team and gives me a hard time in English" He raises his voice, I could hear the lump in his throat while he was talking and it breaks my heart. He doesn't deserve this.

"We're all head for you, Bud" Daniel smiles but then looks back at his phone.

"Let me help you" I hug him. He hugs me back and i could hear him cry softly.

"I'm just gonna stop in here, You're coming with me" I grab Sammy, I'm getting him a job. He needs one. We both need one. All of our friend group are coming to our house because they're forcing us to go to the beach bonfire.

It's a school thing, The first day back every year. We're old enough to go now.

"We'll wait outside" Corbyn nods.

"Just tell Alexis you'll all be in my room" I give him my keys. "You're gonna leave me with all these?" Ashley folds her arms.

"Yeah, And call Jack and tell him to hurry up" I laugh. They all walk off and i walk into the coffee shop with Sammy.

"A moch-"

"I'm not getting you anything, You're gonna get that application over there and sign up for a job" I point to the box of applications.

"You need a job too, I'm only getting one if you are" He looks around the coffee shop. Everyone comes in here and it'll distract him hopefully.

"Alexis got me an interview with the fancy restaurant place down the road" I smile. He nods and grabs a pen from his pocket and a grabs an application.

He writes everything and then hands it to the manager and we leave to get back home.

Everyone was just sitting in the front yard of our house. "And you guys aren't inside because...?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Corbyn refused to go inside because he didn't want to go in unless you were there" Zach shakes his head in disappointment.

I laugh and open the door "Wait for me" Jack,  a short boy with curly, brown hair, Very funny. Runs inside.

"Close the gate" I nod. He does as i say and we all walk inside.

"I forgot how rich you are" Ashley sniggers, Looking around.

"We're not rich" Sammy and I say at the same time.

"Okay your marble floors and glass stairs are telling me different" She says, Walking up the stairs, receiving a laugh from the rest of the people in the group.


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