456 10 13

————the truth

"So you were with Harry yesterday" Daniel asks, Attempting to wrap Sammy's present.

"No" I shake my head.

"Baby he commented creds on jenny's picture" He rips the tape with his teeth.

"Oh, He was the only one in the park to take the photo for us." I hand him a pair of scissors.

He nods his head and doesn't say anything to me "What?" I sigh.

"Nothing" He reaches over and grabs another present.

"Daniel" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Did he touch you?" His jaw clenched.

"No" I slightly roll my eyes. Why would he touch me ffs.

"You two want food?" Sammy walks straight in. "Oh... You look pissed" He looks directly at me.

"Is jenny still here?" I sigh, standing up.

"Baby we're not finished" He looks to the pile of presents.

"Oh you two are arguing" He takes a step back.

"We're not arguing" Daniel and I say at the time.

"Hmm... Tea. Tell me what happened" He claps.

"Fuck off" Daniel rolls his eyes.

"You guys want food?" Jonah walks into the room.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I snap at him.

"They're in an argument" Sammy 'whispers' to him.

"We're not arguing" I shake my head.

"Do you want food to not?" Jonah repeats.

"I do... We'll let these two finish arguing" He slowly walks out.

"Sammy... Fuck off" I look him dead in the eye.

"We'll be down in a minute" Daniel stands up too.

"Okay" Jonah walks out, looking back in. Sammy makes a kissy face and i just push him out and lock the door.

"Why does it matter that Harry took our photos?" I rub my lips together.

"Because he has a massive crush on you" He starts tidying up his mess.

"So does Jonah" I shrug my shoulders.

He looks up "I'm not tryna cause an argument baby" He sets al the wrapped presents on my bed.

"Neither am i. Daniel half this town of girls literally drool everywhere you go and i don't say shit. You don't gotta worry" I squish his cheeks. He pecks my lips "Youre right about Jonah though"

"That he likes me...duh" I look out my outfit in the mirror. I fix my pant leg and he snakes his arm around my waist, keeping eye contact with me through the mirror.

"You should put my shirt on" He looks down at my body.

"It's freezing, no thank you. I like what i'm wearing" I turn around so i'm facing him.

"My sweater atleast" He goes over and throws it to me. I put it on over my outfit and then we head downstairs.

"Are you guys still arguing?" Sammy shoves a spoon of pie into his mouth.

"We weren't arguing" Daniel pulls me closer by the waist and pressed his lips on mine.

No. No not in front of Anthony. No.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now