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———— FSU
Daniels POV

Sidney's laying in my arms, she had a breakdown and got really paranoid of everyone and everything.

I had a choice to tell Anthony the truth about Jonah, So i did.

"Why'd you tell him" Her voice croaks.

"Because he deserves to know, Sidney. Why do you care to protect him so much" I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Because he's young and i don't want his life going down the drain because of me" She sniffs.

I decided to not put anything else on her. She will always think of others before herself.

"You kissed Mr. Marais" Sammy burst into the room.

"Not now" She grips onto me a little tighter.

"How can you tell Daniel this stuff, but not me your own brother?" Sammy sits on the edge of our bed.

"Go away Sammy" She lets go off me and lays on her side so her back is facing us both.

"He's packing his stuff now" He sighs quietly. "Sidney you know you can trust me right"

"Go away" She says emotionless

"Why are you being like this, Sid. We used to tell each other everything and now you don't even tell me if someone hurt your feelings" He frowns slightly. She just stays quiet.

"Hey, Bro talk about this to her whenever she's okay... She's not her best right now" I don't want any more stress on her.

"Sid, I love you and i think it's better if you start trusting me again" He puts her hand on her shoulder. She didn't move.

"I love you too Sammy, But go away" She clears her throat, "Both of you"

"Sidney were not letting you push us away because something happened... Jonah deserves to be locked up for even laying eyes on you so why are you protecting him" He snaps. Oh god.

"I'm not protecting him Sammy. I just don't care. I never will care. I'm with Daniel and everybody knows that, He respects that and he might of fucked up but he doesn't deserve to be punished for having feelings for someone" She sits up. "Now both of you, Please go away"

"Baby i'm not leaving you" I shake my head.

"He's left... Why didn't you tell me Sid, I wouldn't have invited him here" Anthony walks into the room.

"Can you all just go away... please" She brings her knees up to her chest.

"Come on guys let's give her some space" I get up. Anthony gets up too and Sammy just sits there. "Sammy?"

"I'll be down in a minute i just need to talk to her" He shuffles on the bed closer to Sid. Sid just stayed how she was.

"Come on" Anthony puts his hand on the back of my neck and we walk out. We close the door but just stand there. He was thinking what i was.

He pushes his finger up to his lip and leans his ear against the door. I could hear what was happening perfectly fine.

"Sidney you know you have me to talk to..." Sammy says. his voice cracking.

"What Jonah did is completely wrong, And he literally deserves to be locked up for it but that your choice if you want him to be punished or not" He says. Maybe Sammy can persuade her to go to the cops.

"I don't want him to be punished, Sammy him and i both made a stupid mistake and he's been embarrassed enough already. Just leave it" She has a point but then so do I.

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