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————— ring

It's my birthday today, I got out of the hospital like 4 days ago but i haven't been to school or work.

"Happy birthday sister" I hear Sammy shout. Next thing i know, My door is off the hinges by Sammy sliding from the corridor into my room, Straight into the door.

"Thanks Sammy" I finish making my bed. I turn to look at him and he had this mischievous smirk plastered onto his face.

"What" Sigh, knowing him it will probably be something stupid.

"Don't kill me but after school we're having a party here and Alexis and Anthony said it was both fine, upstairs is restricted but downstairs and both the yards are fine" He says in one breath and then runs out the room.

"Sammy" I go after him. I don't want a party here. People are gonna show up because of free booze. That's it.

I walk into his bedroom and just stand there with my intimidating unimpressed look on my face.

"I'm not cancelling. Starts at 7" He pushes me out of his room and locks the door.

It's Monday today, Which means everyone's going to be in school, hungover, the next day. I blame it all on Sammy.

"Anthony why... Why did you tell Sammy we could throw a party" I go downstairs and pout to Anthony.

"Don't worry, Jason's not stepping foot in the neighbourhood" He assures me that of everything else i want to be assured about.

Like what about some of the expensive items mom and dad bought. People hooking up in our bedrooms. I know it will happen.

The garden is gonna be a wreck.

And if the police come, Were all getting done for underage drinking.

"Sid, Upstairs is restricted, All the valuable things are already in the garage. I won't be serving alcohol, Punch is on my hand. Everyone else can do what they want. Just have fun and enjoy it okay..." He looks at the watch on his wrist. "I'm giving you a lift so hurry up."

I sigh loudly just to let him know i think this is a stupid idea "Sammy broke my door" I shout before walking into my bedroom. Grabbing my clothes and then getting changed in my bathroom.

He's paying for that too.

I put my uniform on and then grab my bag and put everything i need in it. I didn't have time to eat breakfast so we all just head out.

Anthony gets out of the car too, once we reach the school. "What are you doing?" I asked confused.

"Oh Mr. C wants to talk to me" He rolls his eyes.

I nod confused and Sammy and i walk into school, receiving happy birthdays from everyone that noticed us.

"Happy birthday you piece of shit" Ashley runs up to us. Woah. Is she forgetting how we just fell out and haven't spoken...?

I'm not complaining though. I need my best friend.

"Hey" I smile and hug her.

She pulls away and hands me a gift "Back to the way we were...?" She holds her hand out. I shake her hand and set the gift in my locker.

Her and I start talking and not 5 minutes later, The bell rang and we started heading to Jonah's class.

Him and I have been talking and calling so much and i'm very happy about it. He brings out this side of me i didn't know i had.

"Hello Ashley... Sidney" He looks up with a smile on his face "Happy birthday, Stay behind so i can give you the work to catch up on" He winks and looks back down at his desk.

I smile and walk over to Ashley. "So what's going on between you two..." She asks.

"He has a soft spot for me and Sammy" I'm technically not lying there, because he does.

She nods and Zach runs into the classroom "Sidney" He shouts and runs up, Tripping over five desks.

"Zachary" I joke. He scrunches his face up and then gives me a really big, tight, suffocating hug. "Everyone we have to sing Happy Birthday to Sid and Sammy after class. Okay Mr. Marais" He points to Jonah. Jonah laughs yes and smiles before picking up the stuff that Zach had knocked over.

As soon as he picks it back up. It's knocked back over by Corbyn who slipped.

"Happy 17th, You're old" He says from the floor. I laugh and he gives me a hug before taking his seat.

"Anybody else want to say Happy Birthday to the Carters?" Jonah laughs, picking everything up. "Nope, Okay... Lets get started on the rules for the school trip"

The class was nearly over and Jonah stops us all "Sammy and Sidney... Stand up here" He points to just in front of his desk.

"I don't -"

"Sidney Carter, If you don't go and stand up there with your twin brother, I will throw you up there myself" Ashley says in a sweet tone. "Now go"

I walk up, Intimated by Ashley. Sammy and I was just standing there, I was standing there awkwardly and he was proud and has a massive smile on his face.

"Happy birthday to you" Jonah sings. WOAH VOCALS.

Then, The whole class join in but like damn Jonah can sing.

"Do we give them birthday bumps, Birthday bruises or Birthday swings?" Jonah puts his hand on both, Sammy and I's shoulder, I was just taken by surprise and took a step away.

"Sorry" I look down.

He takes his hand off my shoulder "Can i give you a birthday kiss" One of the boys in my class say, I think his name was brady.

"If you want Jaw done in" Sammy smiles innocently. I laugh and we head back to our seats until the bell rings.

When it does, Everyone leaves and I head over to Jonah's desk. Just to be hugged by him.

His arms were very muscular.

"Happy Birthday" He pulls away. He looks into my eyes and just smiles before walking over to his desk and grabbing something from his drawer.

"Now, I know you told me like a million times not to get you anything but i figured you'd really like this when i seen it." He hands me a jewellery bag.

"I'm refusing to take that off you" I fold my arms. He raises an eyebrow and takes out this beautiful rings. "Oh lord"

"Please" He smiles showing his teeth.

"You're crazy... How much was that" I look at it. It was silver for her but like... It was expensive.

"Me to know and you to dot dot dot" He grabs my hand and places the rings on my finger. "Jonah that's a bit much, Literally a simple card would've did good"

"Oh yeah, I got you a card too" He hands me the card. I put the card in my bag and take the ring off.

"We've known each other for not even a month yet and you got me this..." I sigh. I can't accept it.

"Just accept it" He closes my hand over. I hesitantly put it back in the bag and put it in my blazer pocket.

"So what are you doing for your birthday" He asks, sitting on the desk.

"Sammy's throwing a party..." I roll my eyes, Then i got an idea.

"But it would be better if you were there" I grab a post-it note off his desk, along with a pen and write down my address.

"Come at 6:45, I don't wanna be involved with the party, and well... upstairs restricted so maybe we can do something" I hand him the address and rub my lips together.

"I wouldn't miss it... See you then" He gets up and kisses my cheek. I smile like crazy and head to my next class


It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now