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———— coffee
I'm all better now. Anth and Jonah aren't really home during the day because schools still on for everyone else.

At night time they're up until stupid hours, talking about the school. Sort of annoying but happy for Anth.

Jonah and I avoid each other at all costs.

Anths taken notice off it but is gullible enough to believe that i'm still getting through the 'awkward' phase that my teacher is living in my home.

Daniels out with 'the boys' i'm not invited because Sammy's argument is 'i don't have a dick'

So i'm with Jenny, Were Christmas shopping.

"You reckon we'll see them?" She walks into a cute little cafe.

"God knows what them boys are doing" I grab us a table.

"Do you think Sammy and I will last? I really like him" She smiles uncontrollably.

"It seems like it will. He really likes you too" I nod. Sammy's basically in love with her.

"Good" She rubs her lips together. We take a look at the menu. I get a muffin and a coffee.

"What are you getting Daniel for Christmas?" She asks.

"He's always wanted to go LA so i've got him and I a plane ticket. Gonna be gone over New Years" I smile, looking down.

"That's really cute. What should i get Sammy?" She asks, As the waiter comes over with our stuff. Well that was unbelievably fast.

"Don't ask for my opinion on his present because i'll give you the worse thing" I admit. She lets out a laugh and we eat while talking about presents.

We finish eating and go into a jewellery store.

Where all the boys happened to be.

"Babe, Hey" Daniel quickly shoves something behind his back.

"Hey..." I giggle.

"What are... What are you doing here" He looks at his watch.

"Daniel just ask her the opinion on the goddamn necklace" Jack sighs. Someone's not in the brightest mood.

"You know what bro, Fuck you" Daniel gives him the finger. I laugh and leave Jenny to walk over to him.

"Let me see it" I place a kiss on his lips.

He hesitantly shows it to me, It was a. diamond one with 'd' as the charm.

"It's adorable and i love it but i'm not gonna let you spend $500 on a necklace" I squish his cheeks.

"You're worth it though" He winks.

"Get me a load of hoodies with your scent on it and i will be forever thankful" I spotted a really cute fucking necklace in the corner. The price however. not so cute.

"I wanna give you something meaningful, It's our first Christmas together" He intertwines our hands.

"Your hoodies will be meaningful" I look back at him. Anthony was walking in with his girl, Jonah seemed to be third wheeling.

"Your outfits really cute today" He kisses my cheek.

"I know" I give him a twirl. He laughs and Anthony walks over. "Oh that's cute... You getting it for her?" He points at the necklace.

"Nah" He sets it back on the counter.

Jonah looked miserable. Sammy's with Jenny. Daniels with me. Anthony's with Lucie. Zach's with Corbyns sister and Corbyns eyeing them from the corner. Jacks about to fall asleep.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now