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———— thanksgiving

It's thanksgiving. Schools officially out for seniors until January. We're supposed to be having a thanksgiving dinner but i'm sick. Sammy's becoming sick and were just living the day like a normal day.

The cops are no longer guarding my house.

Daniels basically moved in with me.

Anths hosting a thanksgiving dinner, theres gonna be a lot of people, Although i'm not sure many people will actually come.

Sammys with a Jenny and Anths talking a girl he met through Jonah called Lucie.

Jonah visits a lot because him and Anth have became extremely close.

"You look tired" Anth walks into the living room. I was curled up by the fire. I'm sick.

"No shit" I sniff. My throat, my head, my body. aches. It all aches.

"Jonah's coming round" He throws a cushion at me.

"Good for you" I miss Daniel. He just dropped Anna off at school.

"You two seem close" He sits on the floor.

"Who, me and Jonah?" I laugh. That's bullshit we avoid each other every chance we get.

"Yeah, I don't know you guys kind of seem... close but in like a... i don't want no one to know way" That doesn't make sense. One bit.

"Well, hes my teacher" I shrug my shoulders and blow my nose. "It's kind of weird"

"Not really, you'll just be a teachers pet in his class" He laughs, "See you later, Sammy upstairs with Jenny" He leaves.

I stay curled up beside the fire until someone knocks on the door. I force myself to get up, only because they knocked a million times.

"Oh my God what" I sigh loudly, opening the door to Jonah standing there.

I just walk away, back to the fire. Sitting back down.

"Are you... are you okay?" Jonah walks over, putting some presents under the tree.

"Fine" I say. no emotion. i don't really want to be talking to him right now. Or any one for that matter.

"Want me to make you some food? You look a little sick" He bends down beside me and starts warming his hands up.

"No. I'm good. Go away" I shuffle over a little. I'm freezing and sitting right in front of the fire. Why do i have to be sick now.

"You're sick... I'm good at making chicken soup" He stands up.

"I'm vegetarian" I yawn. That's bullshit.

"That's bullshit" He laughs. "I'll make you some chicken soup"

"It's fine" I snap. Rolling my eyes.

"Sidney, Go to your room and get some rest, Take the heater from my room if your-"

"your Room?" I snigger

"Oh, Anth and I have some news" He sits back beside me.

"You were doing just well, not being a creep" I stand up and just immediately fall back down again.

Jonah's POV

"You were doing just well, not being a creep" Sidney stands up, but lost her balance and falls down. Luckily not into the fire.

"Woah... You good" I catch her head. She just stays quiet.

"Sid..?" I poke her arm.

"I'm fine" She grabs on to my hand and leans against the coffee table.

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now