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———— hawaii
"I can't believe we did this with no packing at all." I says as We walks into the little holiday home Jonah rented out for us. "But i know why you're doing it"

He's trying to get my mind of everything going on back home.

"To spoil my baby and let her be free and stress- free from her horrible photography class" He takes his jacket off, the heat change is nearly unbearable. But that was adorable.

"No... To take my mind off my controlling brother who won't let me live my life the way i want it." I turn on my heels and come face to face with Jonah.

What Anths doing will have a massive impact on my mental health.

"And that" He chuckles softly. Our eyes meet and sparks take over my whole body.

"Wow someone's going a shade of red..." He winks, which makes my heart do more than just skip a beat.

"Stop" I hold my arms out for him. He left me up as if i was some sort of baby.

"You're a big baby" He lifts me up a little so he doesn't drop me.

I smile and wrap my legs and arms around him, until he sets me on the kitchen counter. "No baby" I keep my legs around him, however he is much much stronger than me.

"Babe, let's unpack the small amount of clothes we bought" He lets out a small giggle. I'm not in the mood to unpack.

"I was thinking we could do something else" I rest my bottom lip between my teeth and pull him closer to the kitchen counter.

"Oh..." He raises an eyebrow. He seriously cannot be that oblivious. I was just looking into his eyes for a second until he finally caught on. "Ohh..."

"Dumbass" I shake my head.

The room feel with silence and with that, his lips attach to my neck. Sending different types of sensations around my body.

"Sidney... are you sure you want to do this" He checks, he always checks.

"Yes" I start unbuttoning his floral t-shirt.

"We should really get up" Jonah laughs, we've been laying in bed for ages.

"Go to the beach" I sit up, forgetting i'm absolutely naked. He just eyes my body until i push him away.

"Nice hickey... who gave you it" He laughs, getting out of the bed.

"Eh, i don't know... Clearly someone who's not worth remembering" I joke, grabbing his shirt off the floor.

"Now now, Sidney... You were saying different earlier on" He walks over to the bathroom. We both laugh and take a quick shower one after another.

I then didn't have a bikini, so we locked up and walked in the scorching sun to a little mall.

"I can get this myself" I pick out a bunch of bikinis.

"Baby let me spoil you" He tried taking them off me. I run around the store and into the underwear section where he felt embarrassed.

"Babe..." He groans loudly, gaining attention from other shoppers.

"You've got to be kidding me" A voice says behind me.

I turn to face the familiar looking man, however i couldn't quite put my tongue on it. Jonah walks over, all protective and tense.

"Sidney Carter" He laughs. He kind of caught on that i had no idea who he was.

"And you are...?" Jonah raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, my apology. Christian" He holds his hand out. 

Hold on..

Christian Seavey? They do look familiar

"You dated my brother" He laughs a little bit. Oh My God. wow.

"Seavey?" Jonah sniggers. His hold on becoming more tight.

"And you're the teacher? Hold on what's going on here?" He takes a step back.

"Uhm literally none of your business, Christian" Jonah says in the sassiest tone i have ever witnessed.

"Are you in a inappropriate relationship, Sidney. Is he manipulating you" Christian is a worrier. He will always be like this.

"Christian, Well,  like it's nothing inappropriate and there is no manipulation going on, we knew each other way before he was a teacher" I giggle a little bit. Jonahs tense muscles slowly releasing.

"Your underage and illegal" He folds his arms.

"I'm 18... legal." I say truthfully. He nods "I guess that's okay then, How old is this man"

"The names Jonah and None of your business" Jonah gives him the dirtiest look ever.

"Sorry Sidney, i just thought something was going on. It was nice seeing you" He nods before hesistantly walking off.

"You don't need to be rude" I take Jonah's arm from my waist and walk off.

"Babe what? He accused you-"

"Jonah he didn't accuse us of nothing, he was simply asking a question and you were rude about it." I walk up to the counter. He just stands at the entrance. I don't like arguing with him but he was unnecessarily rude there.

But then i don't want him mad at me.

I pay for everything myself and walk out to where he was standing. He looks at me and just walks on ahead of me.

"Jonah" I had to jog to catch up with him. He side eyes me and then just stops.

"Baby i'm sorry" I apologize first.

"It doesn't matter" He pulls me closer to him. walking back to the house with his arm around me.

However the whole walk was silent

"Are you sure it's okay?" I drop the bag of bikinis.

"Yeah, i'm just gonna put my shorts on, i'll be down in a second" He kisses my cheek, well that just further indicates somethings wrong.

I don't dwell on it. I put my bikini on and then cover myself with his shirt. I walk out and he was sitting there on the phone with somebody.

"Right, Whatever.. Bye" He hangs up and smiles at me. "You ready babygirl" He picks you a bag with a towel in it.

"Who was that" It's probably none of my business but i wanna know.

"Esther, Shes throwing a party at my house" He nods. That was total bullshit.

I nod back at him and we head down to the beach.


It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now