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———— photos
Jonah's POV

I just left Sammy and Sidney in my office. I walk out to the gym and call Anthony.

"Hey man, what's up?" He answered. He sounds stressed.

"Is Sidney's camera at home?" I ask. She has like 3 cameras.

"Her polaroid is, the other two should be at school...why?" He asks.

"The one her mother got is missing and she's freaking out" I sigh "Thank you" I hang up.

I start making my way back to the office room and hear them talking.

"Sammy Daniel took the pictures. If they get anywhere I'm gonna be in so much trouble" She cries.

"Why would you take nudes in the first place" Oh.

I understand why she's so upset now.

I walk in and pretend i didn't hear a thing "Anth hasn't seen it anywhere" I look at my watch.

"Fuck this" She gets out her seat.

"Sidney i reckon you should stay... here all day" I point to a desk in my corner.

"I'm going to find my camera" She storms out.

"Look after that" Sammy points to her laptop and runs after her. Then i run after them both.

"Baby what's wrong" Daniel walks out of Mr. C's room.

She just ignored him and made her way round the corner. I follow after them all and she walks into the photography room which was empty.

She has a look at all the cameras and then goes into the red room.

"Think you should stay there Mr. Marais" Daniel says and walks in after her. Sammy runs in too and i just stop.

5 minutes later and Sammy walks out. "They're arguing"

I knock on the door and walk in. They both go quiet "Both of you come out" I hold the door open for them. They walk out and lock the door shut.

"So your nudes were on the camera?" I ask Sid. She just looks away, Her eyes going red.

"Sidney we'll find it, I promise" I look behind at Jason walking into the classroom.

"You better stay the fuck away from us" Sammy runs straight over.

I pull him back "Jason leave immediately" I demand.

He just sniggers and pulls the camera out his bag. She walks straight over and knees him in between the legs. Taking the camera off him.

"Some pretty good photos there. Nice tits" He spits out.

She tried leaving the room but the door wouldn't open.

"Open the fucking door" Her hands started shaking.

"There's no point deleting them, by the way. There's already a picture in every seniors locker" He smirks.

"Fuck boy" I grab my key from my pocket and let go off Sammy, He pushes Jason straight into the file cabinet.

"We'll go take them out" I see if any of my keys unlock the door but none do.

"Fuck this" She smashes the window with her fist a couple times before it breaks.

"Baby" Daniel walks over, Looking at her bloody wrist.

"Sammy" I lift him off Jason. Well that was hectic.

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