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I take my hand away from Jonahs and leave a tiny gap between us.

"So who is this" The girl comes face to face with the both of us.

Never have i seen a girl so perfect.

"Tatum... Sidney. Sidney... Tatum" Jonah scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

It wouldn't take a genius to conclude that tatum has had a part in Jonah's love life. I can tell by the way she looks at him with nothing but love and lust.

But he is mine.

By the way she was standing with her arms crossed over his chest, pushing her tits up slightly, One leg slightly in front of the other, leaning back a little bit. She was full of questions. I was full of questions.

The air was full of silence. She looks around my face. I look around hers. She doesn't look a day older than 18. It was a silent stand off between me and her.

"Tatum what are you doing here?" He breaks the silence. His voice was full of anxiety.

"Came to see you" She, once again, Looks over at me. This time her eyes scanning me fully. Head to feet.

"You could've called... or texted" He looks at me awkwardly, then looks away. Refusing to make eye contact with me or tatum

He hasn't introduced me as his girlfriend yet... and that flooded me with questions. Is he keeping his options open? Does he not want to tell people so he can get with other people on the side?

"Well, you said you'd always be free for me" She sniggers. She seems like a bitch. First impressions are everything and i don't like her.

"Seems like you two have a bit to catch up on" I clear my throat. Finally saying something.

She takes a step back and points to the door, "Yeah we do" Indicting for me to leave, urged me to pull Jonah and make out with him right in front of her.

"Tate don't be rude" Jonah tuts through his teeth. He looks over at me, He doesn't know what to do. I don't know what to do.

"So are you gonna leave... or just stand there like a lost puppy?" She purses her lips, oh how i would love to punch her face right now.

"I'll be upstairs" I tiptoe up to kiss jonah on the cheek. He nods and smiles softly before i walk off up the stairs but just watch them from the banister.

"So she looks all of sixteen" Tatum sniggers, "I new you had a thing for the younger girls Jonah... please tell me she's just a hookup."

"She is called Sidney, and Sidney is my eighteen- year - old girlfriend..." He walks past her, throwing my bag down onto the couch and taking his jacket off.

I'm surprised Jonah stood up for me. I didn't think he would, But i'm glad he did.

"You moved on quick." She pouts. And what is that supposed to mean.

"Well you couldn't make up your mind if you wanted me or my best friend, so i made it up for you... What do you want Tate" He crosses his arms. I could tell he was hurt from the tone of his voice.

"Eben and I broke up" She twirls her hair around her finger. Jonah looked up. He better not do or say anything that will annoy me.

"Good for him, did he finally come to the realization of how clingy and controlling you are" He is really going all out here, wow. Didn't think he had that in him.

But i'm really clingy too... and with everything that was rushing through my mind it made me add more questions. Does Jonah not like clingy?

"Jo I want us to try again" She touches his chest. He takes her hand off him. He was angry, hurt and sad from what it looked like from my point of view.

"I have a girlfriend Tate. Please leave before i call the cops" He notices me looking at them both. Then was when i nodded to him and walked into his bedroom.

5 minutes later the door slams and his footsteps are heard in the corridor outside.

He walks in and sits down on the side of the bed.

"Jonah am i clingy?" I ask quietly, my voice was muffled.

"What baby?" He looks into my eyes.

"Am i clingy?" I repeat myself.

He knew why i was asking it, and he handled it amazingly.

"Baby i was only saying that so she would leave. Clingy is my favorite" He shuffles a little closer to me.

"But you would tell me if i was too clingy right?" I ask, he looks around my face and just smiles.

"Baby you're fine trust me..." And with that... he lays down on me, head on my lap.

He was quiet for a while, my hands were playing with his hair. Moments like these are my favorite.

"Sidney" Jonah says, his voice a little croaky.

"Yeah" I reply.

"At school, do you wanna spend your lunches in my room?" He asks, sitting up against the headboard like i was.

Effortlessly, he lifts me up and puts me on top of him. I turn to face him and he puts his hand on my hips. Our faces inches away, i pucker up my lips and he leans forward with his.

"I would, but Anths always in your room" I move myself a little closer to his crotch. Which i need to be cautious about because this 24- year- old male has a massive sex drive as if he was some sort of teenage boy.

"Anth is quitting" He looks down. I didn't know that, but i guess that's why he wants to talk to me tomorrow.

"I can lock my door and we can spend more time with each other... and then i can atleast know you're eating" Hes not stupid. He knows i still struggle with eating.

"I would very much like that" I peck his lips again. He smiles at my kiss which i reciprocate with another smile.

We then just stop and look dead at each other and he places his lips on mine, they move in sync together and slowly i come to the honest truth, that this is the way i want it to be.


bro i am tired

It's Just A Number, jmrf {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now